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Paul Schaerer | ![]() |
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Designed by My self and made to show You what I love.
Last up-dated December 27th 1998
Sponsored by GEOCITIES
Since January 1st 1999 You are my
My first experiences with electricity and sound I made as a 6 years old (young) little boy in my grandfather's kitchen. On a shelf was standig a big wooden box with a loudspeaker in. To listen radio, my grandfather had to connect them to a special socket. Once I wanted to listen Radio and I connected it to the wrong socket. You must know, it was nearly 40 Years ago. No extra sockets for loudspeakers as today. Now, the speaker sounds a very short time, but it sounds very loud. I connected it to the 220V outlet. :-))
About 10 years later I started an education as a Radio-TV technician. In meantime of course I learned a lot of radios. Want to say, I knoked down a lot of radio-, phono- and other machines.
After I absolved my education as a corporale in Swiss army I had a 2 Years experience as a cab (taxi) driver. This was not the real thing, so I answered to an job offer from IBM where I started as a Typewriter-Engineer in Zurich. In about 1981 I started to work as a hobbist with the first released "Microcomputers". My first own unit was a Sinclair's Z81 which I killed more than one time because of experiments. A few Years later I moved to St. Gall, a City near lake Constance and near the village where I growed up. At this time I started also in IBM to work with the first released Personalcomputer. Then simply called "PC". Until 1996 I learned a lot about different IBM machines. As a customer engineer as well I had a lot of experiences with Copiers, Cash-dispensers, old systems like 8100 and the whole range of personal computers. Since end of 1996 I'm working as a Country Hardware Supporter for PCs (once more) in Zurich.
I know, there are not a lot of great things, but I love them all.
Any details regarding my hobbies?
As You can read in the section about my life, I started realy early to play with electricity.
When I was a boy, I loved it to build modelltrains. I owned a Maerklin H0 modelrailway which was built on a 6 sqaremeter sized board. Because Im living in a flat now, there is no longer room for it. That's why I started to work with computers and to developp some interfaces to controll modelltrains.
After I killed my Sinclair more than once and it was quite expensive to repair it, I bought an MSX 1. During the years I bought some other MSX machines. Now I'm still using MSXes because it is a realy open system on which I can connect nearly everyting. Because I'm a realy hardware-freak, I also have to build PCB (printed circuit boards). The design of boards is normaly done with a "real PC" using Easytrax layout software. I think, it is one of the best package to use in a hobby environment. It is free of charge and it is downloadable from xxxxxxxxxxxx. Because MSX is no longer supported we founded the MSX-FUN-CLUB. Now since about 5 years I'm the president of this club.
One of the other intrests I have is photography. I do not developp or copy my pictures by myself, but I like to shoot photographs. About 3 years ago I also bought a handycam. So now, I make a little more videos than photographs. To cut and to edit videos I have got a big friend. MSX.
As You can see, all my three hobbies are connected together.
The best thing a computer can do, is to controll machines.
This is the oppinion of my own!
As described in "Hobbies", I'm building PCBs. Because it is not easy to drill a few hundred of holes, I started to construct a automated driller. It is controlled by MSX. Did you think something else? :-) To see this machine and the assosiated electronic click here.
For MSX computers I developped a Slotexpander. As a help for non-MSX-ers: Each MSX has 2 built in slots. Because we have a lot of interfaces to connect, this is not enough. Therefore we decided to developp this Expander. It contains 4 Real Subslots and 4 I/O Slots. Want to see more about? Klick here.
To controll modellrailways I made an interface which normaly is connected to the printerport. This interface is able to switch 128 points with each 2 coils. But not only trains are to be controlled. You can switch everyting You like. To have a human interface I also had to write some programms. Now I'm able to design not only modellrailways but also flats interactive directly on screen without using large lists with switchadresses and so on. The whole thing is done with the mouse.
Or, perhaps something about my family?
This is a little more privat stuff.
We are living at Gossau in the canton of St. Gall. Gossau is a little town about 10 kilometers west of the city of St. Gall. About 18000 people are living here.
Since June 4th 1980 my wife Renée is maried with me. She is an educated sales and since 1982 she is also mother. She got a baby on january 21st 1982 and we called him Juerg. Because one child in a family is not the best solution, we started to "make" a second one. No since June 26th 1984 my wife is a doublemother. (so i'm a doublefather?) Then she got our second baby called Sabrina. Sometimes my wife says, she has got 3 children. First I thought, she had a baby before I knew her. In meantime I know, I'm the 3rd one.
What a car does I drive? (of course the best)
About 16 Years ago we started to drive SUBARU. In fact, it was the first Subarumodell announced in Switzerland. Now, when I write this homepage my wife is driving her 3rd, and I'm driving my 4the Subaru. Of course withaout any problem in meantime. First, when the babies where real babies we owned a caravan. It was a real fine thing to have enough space in it to have all the stuff moving a young family needs. Also for my job as an "outfielder" in the mountains of Switzerland, it was fine to know to have the best car and the best safety. Now, with no more baby-cariage and no longer a lot of tools and spareparts in the car I changed to use a Sedan. Not only the stronger engine, but also the less noise is a wonderful feeling. But, there are not only a few highlights with those cars. They are not realy expensive. For example a german car with the same features may cost about 20 to 30 percent more. Fine? Isn't it? The last thing about cars: Subaru is World Rally Champion. Klick here for more informations
The city where I lives. "My