RickReis StartPage














Bible--Believing Christian.
Thankful to be an American.
Amateur musician.
Cancer Survivor (so far).
Old for a nerd - 54.
Programmer by trade - on midrange computers. (Business applications.)
Ready to do something cool now.  (Computer music software. . anything but business apps!)
Happily married - grown daughter, grown step-daughter, grown step-son.

Brand New GrandDaughter!

New Step GrandDaughter!

I am staying alive and trying new things.  Trying to learn to read piano music.  Starting on this web stuff.

Grateful to be Alive!

Today's Bible Verse :

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Buena Vista!








My Favorite Links:








  TheReisFamily (Members Only) 








e-Sword Home








My Blog








My Photos On Yahoo!








My Info:










Rick Reis









