Every image needs an ALT tag

This text is controlled by the h1 style

This is how all paragraph text will be displayed. Edit the p style to change the way this text is rendered. This is how all paragraph text will be displayed. Edit the p style to change the way this text is rendered. This is how all paragraph text will be displayed. Edit the p style to change the way this text is rendered. This is how all paragraph text will be displayed. Edit the p style to change the way this text is rendered. This is how all paragraph text will be displayed. Edit the p style to change the way this text is rendered.

Facts about this template:

>XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS2 compliant

>Compatible with IE, Netscape and Opera

>Meets Section 508 standards of accessibility for web-based applications

>Layout controlled with CSS2. No TABLEs!

>Lightweight - Code, style sheets and images weigh in at 17 Kb

This text and the surrounding beige box are controlled the boxbeige style.

This text and the surrounding white box are controlled the boxwhite style.

The heading, boxbeige, and boxwhite styles can also be used in the left column.