If you have a website that uses frames, please read the Fine print at the bottom before continuing.
The cry rings out from the rooftops! Is your site in frames? You suck! Frames are so common! When I was young, we didn't have frames! We had to keep pushing 'back' on our browser button to get the index! Is your site frame-free? Then give yourself a pat on the back, for you are original! You are a rebel! You haven't hopped on the frame bandwagon! Good for you! If you have been offended by this at all, then do not click on..........
people have rebelled against frames since 01/01/98!
Fine Print: This site is no meant
to be offensive to anyone. I am not saying that ANYONE who's site is in frames
does not have a GOOD site! This is meant to be humorous, although some people
take it seriously.
One more time: there are MANY sites that I enjoy VERY much that are in frames
There are many sites that I don't like that are without frames! Just the fact
a site is in frames is not a defining factor of how good it is. It is my
personeal view,
however, that sites without frames are easier to use and find my way around
Thank you..........Have a nice day! :)
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