Welcome to WWW.Bijoos.Com
The home page of Biju & Shiji
Biju's Oracle DBA Page
A resource for new and experienced Oracle DBAs. Contains
 | Must have scripts for DBAs and developers |
 | Unix shell scripts for database administration |
 | Tip of the month featuring how to do ideas |
 | Little things every DBA should know |
 | Book of the month featuring best books in the market |
 | Top Oracle links |
 | Discussion forum |
India Connection in Dallas / Fort Worth
Information on the various social, cultural and religious organizations representing
India. Contains
 | Non-profit organizations, address, contact. |
 | Religious organizations, places of worship |
 | Radio, Television programs |
 | Restaurant addresses and driving directions |
 | Events and entertainment programs in the metroplex |
H1B Information Page for Professionals From India
If you are new to US or planning to come to US, visit this page to get answers to most
common questions.
TKMCE Alumna Personal Pages
Listing of personal pages maintained by the alumni of TKMCE (Thangal Kunju Musaliar
College of Engineering), Kollam, Kerala, India.
Useful Links
Find here the best sites on India, Kerala, Immigration, Tax, etc.

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Biju's Books

May 2000
Aug 2000