August 26-We now have CYBERNORNS CyberNorn- Amanda, or CyberNorn- NornMan, or CyberNorn- Nornlover, or CyberNorn- Nornbaby
August 24-We now have a CREATURES CHAT page CREATURES CHAT
August 22-
August 7-Norns and Friends will be opening a general hospital for norns. Called Norns and Friends General Hospital. Also we have chosen the winners for July. We apologize for the long wait, but our main computer has been down awhile and was just recently fixed. To see who won visit the awards page. We picked three winners this month but it will not all ways be three but usually two. Enjoy the site.
August 6-In the mean time I made a link to the page so you can see it. It is the link above MacGees link. I have made a webrings page in which I will move all the webrings I have joined into their. I have also made an awards page now that we have won our second award. We have visited all the sites that were submitted for the award and are in the process of choosing the winners. If you do not win this month please sign up again this month. We will post the winners soon. And if you didn't sign up last month sign up now I am now accepting e-mails for submiting for the award for august. We will probably try to pick the winners for August, August 20, 1998. Sign up now!
July 23-This site was last updated July 23,1998.On this main page.We have had some troble with our main computer for Norns and Friends and will not be able to give the award today the computer crashed and we have to fix it. We will post the winners on the awards page when we pick it. We will post in this spot when we choose. And now for some late breaking news about creatures2. We do not know if this is true or not but in Lubbock, Texas at CompUSA they said that they are expecting creatures2 in about two weeks, yes you heard us right two weeks, we are going to get more info. on this and post it as soon as we know the truth about c2 in two weeks. Do not hold our word as the truth yet about the two weeks c2 but we will find out as soon as possible and post it. DO NOT USE THIS INFORMATION ON ANY OTHER SITES WITHOUT OUR PERMISION. E-MAIL
July 3- I made an
for other peoples sites to win
June 24- I joined a bunch of webrings
Other parts of my great site and other people's sites.
Norns and Friends General HospitalSoon to be operational it is a branch off of Norns and Friends. It will be cool.
MacGee's CreaturesOne of the best sites on the web for Creatures for mac.A must see for all Creatures lovers.
Creatures United Tribe
Here are all the awards we have won.
Here are all the webrings we have joined.
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Norn Pictures
Norns for download
Creatures2 information
Creatures2 Pictures
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Cyberlife's Site
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