The heart may still be beating, but much of the original spirit and ideals of the "company for the rest of us" appears to be on the wane. Do you have any suggestions or ideas that might help reawaken Apple's most exemplary qualities, set appropriate goals and foster a winning strategy for America's most loved computer company?
Final Editor's Note: We can't believe another year has gone by already since we last sent our suggestions to Apple on April 1st (Apple's original birthday) of 1998. Since we wrote the above introduction in early 1997, Steve and Apple have fulfilled many of our suggestions and expectations, and Apple is more successful now than anyone (except us) had predicted. We won't make specific comment on each detail of each suggestion page; suffice it to say that most of the important suggestions have been realized (with a few notable exceptions).
Because things are running smoothly again, this may well be the last
update of this Web site (April 1, 1999), especially if Steve Jobs becomes
Apple's permanent CEO soon, as is rumored, and continues to bring Apple
back to it's original high ideals and profitable status, and hopefully
even on to new unforeseen, insanely great heights. Apple won't need our
gentle prodding anymore, and this page will happily fade into obscurity.
If you would consider working together with other Co-op members, then sign
up for our new Apple Macintosh Co-op. Send name, address, brief
interests and capabilities via e-mail to: Co-op
To steve, and all of our contributors: Job well done! Keep up the good work.
P.S.: Has it struck you yet that the Internet / Web is a vehicle that
can mold world-wide opinion from the bottom up, outside of the traditional
policies and confines of world governments? - It will...
Thanks steve, for not deserting us in our time of need...
No one else could have done it better than the
Father of Personal Computing.
Power to the people- The rest of us... ALL of us.
Think Different and Think Right!
CUPERTINO, Calif., Sept. 26, 1997 /Newswire/ - Apple Computer, Inc.
(Nasdaq AppleC Jan. 1st, 1998 closing at: 13
1/ 8)
(Nasdaq AppleC Feb. 1st, 1998 closing at: 18
(Nasdaq AppleC Mar. 1st, 1998 closing at: 23
5/ 8)
(Nasdaq AppleC Apr. 1st, 1998 closing at: 27
1/ 2)
(Nasdaq AppleC May. 1st, 1998 closing at: 26
(Nasdaq AppleC Jun. 1st, 1998 closing at: 26
1/ 8)
(Nasdaq AppleC Jul. 1st, 1998 closing at: 28
(Nasdaq AppleC Aug. 1st, 1998 closing at: 34
5/ 8)
(Nasdaq AppleC Sep. 1st, 1998 closing at: 31
(Nasdaq AppleC Oct. 1st, 1998 closing at: 38
1/ 8)
(Nasdaq AppleC Nov. 1st, 1998 closing at: 37
1/ 8)
(Nasdaq AppleC Dec. 1st, 1998 closing at: 31
(Nasdaq AppleC Jan. 1st, 1999 closing at: 39
1/ 8)
(Nasdaq AppleC Feb. 1st, 1999 closing at: 41
(Nasdaq AppleC Mar. 1st, 1999 closing at: 33
3/ 4)
(Nasdaq AppleC Apr. 1st, 1999 closing at: 35
Don't miss Apple's new TBWA/Chiat-Day spot in Quicktime format:
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(So did we - it finally properly realigns Apple's public image. - Ed.)
GO STEVE! - You're on the right track buddy!
Macintosh Classified Ads!
(Post and view more Mac classified ads via this auto-format page.)
(Not necessarily listed in order of importance)
Apple Suggestions and Comments
Category Index
/ Promo Suggestions
& Management Suggestions
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Re: Microsoft's (read anti-trust) attempt to control the whole enchilada by forcing vendors to bundle the MSIE browser with the Windows operating system... Some computer visionary geniuses are suggesting that Netscape turn the tables on The Big Bully by offering a *Web-based operating system* with their browser.
* (We ask that ALL our readers send e-mail to Netscape and make their own case for this great idea. - Ed.) *
about the MONEY
Have fun, make
an ever-more innovative
and affordable
machine, involve the little people
& the disadvantaged.
people right, and don't lose your noveleté
& sense of humor...
all the rest will follow. And don't forget; the best kind of revolution
includes evolution.
...But Together, we can do anything:
Prevail: 1. To gain the advantage or mastery; be victorious; triumph: often with over or against . 2. To produce or achieve the desired effect; be effective: succeed. 3. To be or become stronger or more widespread; predominate. 4. To exist widely; be prevalent.. - Webster's New World Dictionary. |
Apple's "choose your own adventure" story has a variable ending; but only one winning secret access code: tuiyn
"We all understand the importance
of standardization,
We've Done Our Share, Apple - Now You Make it So.
Now that we are making nice with MS and Daddy Bill Big Bucks, I guess
it's OK to tell some jokes about our new friend, right? ..... Do you know
where the name for Mr. Bill's company originated? - From his wife's comments
when she first saw him on their wedding night. - "Micro! - Soft!"
There's more... and you can leave your best, and vote for the rest
Some of these comments have been
paraphrased from the June 1997 Issue of Wired magazine.
Apple, and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Computer Inc.
Swaim ( Reprinted with permission.
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