This page provides various resources for programmers, such as tutorials,
libraries, 3D, game, demo and general graphics programming links. You can
also find info about my 3d engine, and a demo.
Note: This page
used to be DJGPP oriented, but not so much anymore. It's simply 3D oriented
now :-)
Mail me for any comments, or you could also
sign my new guestbook or just
view it. Enjoy the page!
Last updated on May 23, 1998 (friggin dead, sorry... :-)
There have been hits to this page
Since May 1st, 1997
my tutorials | links | tutorials | engine
Notes: To see these pages the way I do you should be in 800x600x16M res and
use a 33.6 modem (or cable modem - you gotta exprience it ;).
I'm not responsible for any injury, physical or
otherwise, due to slow connections (but believe me, I still know what 14.4
feels like ;). In case you give a damn, I used the
good ol' DOS editor for "html authoring", POV-Ray 3.0 (with the same inteface
:-) and PaintShopPro 4 for the graphics.
Webspace provided by
Not that you didn't notice already :-)