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Last Update : 03.10.1999
Please don't be mistaken this is not a weapon dealer or weapon related site! The guns is the short for my name that is GUNawan Setiabudi. Ok!! BTW to every one who visit my homepage please rank my site. you can find the rank my site at the top most of my homepage.
Hii, I want to keep my homepage as simple as possible so it can be loaded faster. In my opinion, the most important of a thing is the inside not the outside, so even this homepage is not very nice in its appearance, but the contents might be very useful for you.
This is an educational purpose and a non-comersial site and you can download the design, program, and even the tutorial freely and you should distribute it freely too. However if you feel the software that you've downloaded here is useful you may donate some money to the author.
For every one who wants to share his/her projects or tutorials, just can contact me so I can put your projects or tutorials in this site. Every file you send could be in PDF or PS file. And every projects or tutorials are welcomed. But remember this site is for educational so your projects or tutorials will be distributed freely. Together we'll share our knowledge to the world!
All files here are free-of-charge and they are zipped by using Winzip V6.2 and most of the files are in PDF format, except those files are specially noted. To read the PDF files you need the Acrobat Reader version 3.0. Now you can download these files:
FUZZY.ZIP (1.85Kb) by Gunawan Setiabudi. This is the Fuzzy Logic Kernel for HC11. It's in binary format (.BIN) so you can directly program your EPROM with this file. I'm really sorry since my hard drive is crashed, I've lost my source code. So I can't help you guys who need my source code. To whom that has the source code, please send it back to me, so I can distribute it again.
Fuzzy Logic Tutorial (44Kb) by Gunawan Setiabudi. This is the tutorial for fuzzy logic. I hope after reading this file, you able to use my kernel and further more you able to build your own kernel!
A 68HC11 Subroutine For Error Control Coding Using The CCITT V.41 Polynomial Code (33Kb) by David Evans. This is a subroutine that encodes and decodes data blocks. The subroutines uses a variable to specify whether data is decoded or encoded, and upon returning uses another variable so that the calling software can determine the status of the executed subroutine (eg: no errors or detected errors). The files is completed with documentation in txt and word97 format. It is a very useful and complete program! just d/l it you'll never regret it!
BUF34.ZIP (114Kb) by ???.(to everyone who knows the author please inform me. thx) This is the monitor program for HC11 EVBU.
How To Use HC11's Sub-System Tutorial (44Kb) by Gunawan Setiabudi. This is the tutorial for using the HC11's sub-system, currently limited by the ADC and EEPROM sub-systems. Also completed with the source code in C language!
How To Program A HC11 Using C Language Tutorial (46Kb) by Gunawan Setiabudi. This is the tutorial for using the C language to program a HC11 uC, and also completed with how to compile your C code to S19 file using the XGCCHC11.
How To Crack.ZIP (370Kb) by The Cyborg. You want learn how to crack?? d/l this!!!
CRACK.ZIP (120Kb) by +ORC. Another cracking lesson.
HC11EVBU.ZIP (53Kb) by Bambang Sutanto. This is the HC11 EVBU circuit I use.
XGCCHC11.ZIP (1.409MB) by Oliver Kraus. It is a C compiler for 68HC11 micro controller. It's a freeware so you can download it freely. I use this compiler to compile my program.
Frans' Homepage by Frans Gunawan. If you want to d/l some files about micro controller, In here you'll find information about Real-Time Kernel and also you can find the HC11-like instruction set using PIC here!!!
STTS Homepage by STTS. This my college, It's a engineering college in Surabaya. want to know more, just surf in!
Motorola Official Web by Motorola Inc. You can get a lot of info about HC11, HC12, etc. You also can d/l any useful files and you can even get free literatures!!
Home of the 68HC11 by Sylvain Bissonnette . A very useful site and you can download the hc11 loader here! This site also teach you how to build your own hc11 emulator!!!!
Embedded Microcontroller by Roger Schaefer. You'll find a lot of micro controller links in there! just surf in there!!
FuzzyTECH HomePage by INFORM Software. You want to know where has the fuzzy logic applied? Just surf here and you'll find the answers. This is a commercial software but the money you paid is worth it, you won't regret it..
Peter Spasov Home Page Do you want to improve your knowledge about HC11? Whether you are an expert or a beginner this site is very very useful. And Mr. Spasov is a dedicate person in teaching a microcontroller, he wrote a book about learning a micro controller, I suggest you learn his book, you won't regret it.
Karl Lunt Home Page Do you want to download the free SBASIC and tiny4th 68hc11 compilers?? just surf here!!
More links to come and ALL links here are having personal permission from the administrator, if you want your personal homepage linked from here just contact me oke...
Please send your comments directly to guns@techie.com.
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Januari 24, 1998