Yep, this is me sitting in front of ??.... ooh, a computer! Imagine That.
Glad you took a minute to stop by. That should be about as long as it will take to look this page over. Good to keep things short and sweeeeet!
MUSIC is that one thing that has managed to be there for me and has helped though some of the worst days of my life that I've had especially in the last 3 months. My thanks to all the bands, music and concerts for giving me something to enjoy in life when things haven't been good.
Course having more work than I know what to do with doesn't hurt either. It's that getting up at 3:30am that's a killer, but by the time I actually get to work, I've already been up for hours so I'm ready.
A Chicago band, Sister Machine Gun, has released a VCD of the last concert I attended and it's nice to watch myself at the front of the stage in the middle of it all. In fact, it's pretty awesome for someone my age to want to participate in this manner.
If you want to check out the SMG pages:
To see the pictures I took from one of my favorite local bands - Cheese-Pizza:
The following picture is of Chris Randall, Singer, Writer, and all around excellent guy of SMG and two of his fans, one of who attended the concert with me at the Metro in Chicago, Illinois.
April 2007
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