The end of an era...
After 6 years of running (since 1996), Visual Basic Island has been closed down. The owners of the site have moved onto bigger
and better things and the page out of date for a long time. Unfortunately, due to the amount of mail we still get
we have to shut down the site completely as we are unable to respond to such a high volume.
Fortunately, in the last few years, Visual Basic attained a great great amount of web sites dedicated to helping
people and we would like to suggest some of the following sites for you to visit.
Thank you for all your support and we wish you all the best in your VB coding!
- Carl & Gary's Visual Basic Home Page -
- You know the two guys? Yes, the guys that paved the way for VB on the net... (A MUST!)
- Microsoft.COM
- The official Microsoft® Visual Basic Site. Full of updates for you VB
files.(Visit This one!!)
- Jumbo Shareware Archives -
- A shareware Archive with VB files.
- VB Code Bank
CD -
- A CD-ROM full of files for you. GREAT!!! Visit it.... the CD-ROM is available
for you to buy too...
- Visual Basic Heaven -
- A pretty good site, with lots of helpful info.
- Visual Basic Archive -
- This page is a great VB File Archive for any VB User.
- Visual Basic Section -
- A VB page with some cool stuff on it.
- Cal
State Visual Basic Shareware Archive -
- A Full-O-Files Site, with heaps of VBXs n' stuff.
- Rapid Application
Development Home Page Visual Basic File Archive -
- VB files for VB programmers.
- The Software Labs -
- The Software Labs' shareware files.
- Springsoft
FTP Archives -
- A site full of VB files.
- OLE Controls WWW
Server -
- Some shareware and freeware OCXs for downloading. There is also a list of
OCXs to buy.
- Microsoft.COM
- Some FREE Microsoft files for download.
- Mabry Software -
- Lots of great original shareware VBX's.
- Advanced Visual Basic -
- Offers advanced information for VB developers found nowhere
else on the web! Been around for over a year and still going
- Ask The VB Pro -
- Ask the VB pro Visual Basic related questions via email. This page contains previously answered questions, so you may find an answer to your question before you even ask.
- ATTAP (All Things To All People) -
- Visual Basic Programming contains one of the most comprehensive list of active VB Links available.
Also you will find shareware and freeware files for downloading, tips and tricks for Visual Basic,
and information about VB education available at colleges, companies and across the web. Other
miscellaneous programming links, HTML information, and humor pages round out this website.
- The Australian Visual Basic Page -
- Lots of VB stuff from down under. I am happy to finally see some VB homepages by Aussies, just to tell the world that just because we're down here, we're not completely upside down :)
- The Australian Visual Basic InfoCentre Page -
- This page has a few tips including how to play a single MIDI note.
- Australian Visual Developers Forum -
- Full of product news, bug reports, programming tips; it extensively covers development issues in VB, Access, Delphi, Java, and general Windows development arenas. Again: Australia in the VB World!
- BasicPro Online -
- This is a mostly German site for Visual Basic developers run by BasicPro magazine. It is a good site for any German Speaking person, and even non-German language speaking people.
- BowmanSoft Visual Basic Web Magazine -
- Tips, Tricks, and Articles for Visual Basic Programmers.
- Chris & Tim's RAD Homepage -
- This is a pretty good page. Check out the Visual Basic Tutorial, or articles like Writing Dynamic Link Libraries for an excuse to makea pot of coffee and zone in.
- Cool.stf -
- Site includes quite a few cool (of course) freeware and shareware OCXs and ActiveX controls including a RAS ActiveX control.
- DBMS Magazine -
- DMBS Magazine covers database and client/server issues.
- Developer's Resource Guide -
- A hearty collection of Internet resources for developers of Visual Basic and other platforms.
- Dr. Dobbs Journal Online! -
- Dr. Dobbs is a pretty good resource site for Programmers (mostly C thought :( ) It is sure worth the click.
- Dylan's VB Home Page -
- Dylan sure knows his VB. A pretty cool site.
- Ed's Visual Basic Home Page -
- "Stuff that Visual Basic Programmers can use" :)
- Gary Beene's Visual Basic World -
- Lots of great VB information here. This is one of the best VB sites around!
- GeekLand! -
- A pretty 'nerdy' Visual Basic Site. :) Don't let the name put you off though, it's pretty cool!
- The Heathen Bodger -
- The Heathen Bodger is an interesting homespun site with some good Visual Basic tips.
- HotLinks -
- HotLinks provides a "virtual playground" for beginners who want to learn VB in the context of Excel and Access.
- Ian Lynagh's Visual Basic page -
- New page with pointers and downloads. Not bad...
- Inside Visual Basic -
- The Cobb Group's excellent monthly newsletter covering VB programming issues.
- Internet Resources for Windows Developers -
- A big list of resources for developers on the Internet (not just Visual Basic).
- Jens Balchen's Visual Basic Page -
- Information for beginners as well as experts. Includes a page dedicated to Visual Basic 4.0!
- Jonah's VB Page -
- Would you believe a 13 yr. old avid VB programmer? I was suprised to find a VB programmer younger than me! Don't be put off by the age though, he's pretty good!
- Jose's Visual Basic World -
- This page has lots of great technical information, including relational database theory, OLE automation, using resource files, and more. It is a great page. I heard he was to place VBIsland as the Hottest site of the month, or something like that. Anyway, pretty cool!
- The Journeyman -
- A page of resources for the working Visual Basic and C programmer. Articles, source code. Good!
- JZ's VB-Access Page -
- Authored by a Microsoft Certified Trainer, the Q & A format is derived from the questions he receives during his courses. Useful for people wanting to do the test.
- Mike Strange's VB Home Page -
- Well, it's not that strange! :) Actually, it's pretty good!
- The Most Comprehensive VB List on the Net -
- By Strollo Software, and the name says it all...
- Paul Treffers' VB Home Pages -
- A great VB page in The Netherlands. Check out the "code corner". You may find some cool stuff here - I have.
- Phil's Web Page -
- This guy has a pretty good site. It also has weekly tips.
- QAID (Question/Answer/Information Database) -
- QAID offers a fair amount of good technical information on both Visual Basic and Windows 95. You should visit it, as it is a pretty good resource.
- Rickett & Company -
- This site used to be J. Kyle Rickett's VB Page. I like it. You judge for yourself...
- Scott's Visual Page -
- There are quite a few download files here, including some for paralell port control (something you don't find at many places).
- ShiKahr Press -
- ShiKahr is a new resource for Visual Basic programmers. It is pretty good!
- Smart Acccess -
- Smart Access newsletter delivers timesaving tips, in-depth articles, and smart solutions for Access professionals.
- Sonny's Visual Basic Home Page -
- This is a nice looking page of pointers to VB resources. Pretty cool.
- Tektonix Software -
- These guys offers a good range of shareware programs to download. A nice place.
- The Universal Thread -
- The Universal Thread has several sections (Visual FoxPro, Visual Basic, Windows NT, Internet, Excel, Word, etc.). Users can create their account themselves, for free. This is a really good site, and is definitely worth the visit.
- VB4UandME Web Page -
- A great site for VB4 (obviously) News & Information, Tips and Examples, Message Board, and VB Links. Also includes a Shareware Corner. Nice job...
- The VB Info Booth -
- This site is all pointers to other sites. It's done well.
- VB Paradise -
- This site is pretty small, but has a couple good sample projects.
- The VB Pit Stop -
- This site has a few pointers, some shareware, and other things you might be interested in. You may like it.
- Visual Basic and Hebrew Windows -
- Information for Visual Basic programmers who use Hebrew Windows.
- The Visual Basic and Multimedia Resource Center -
- From OmniSoft. This site is where you want to hang out for VB and multimedia information. This is a pretty good resource for Multimedia programmers.
- Visual Basic Decompiler Defeater -
- This is an informative article discussing the Visual Basic Decompiler, and an accompanying utility that you run against your VB program to prevent people from using the decompiler on your code. Here you have great Information about this thing these Thieves use to rip our programs apart, and how to protect our programs against that.
- Visual Basic Developer -
- This is a really nice looking VB site by Robert de Boer. Mostly links, but very nice.
- Visual Basic Multimedia Newsletter -
- A free Visual Basic technical publication with a focus on multimedia programming. Another great miltimedia site.
- Visual Basic Online -
- A great Visual Basic web magazine containing technical articles and code. This is a great resource for everybody.
- The Visual Basic Project -
- An old, and still very good Visual Basic Resource on the Net. Really cool!
- The Visual Basic Resource Index -
- This is a seriously comprehensive VB links page. Well worth the click!
- The Wild Web of Visual Basic -
- Pointers to all things VB on the web with a couple sample projects for download. Pretty good - I like it.
- Windows Development Exchange -
- Fawcette Technical Publications' web site for Windows developers. WinDX contains over 350 pages of information for Windows developers including Visual Basic Programmer's Journal (VBPJ), Visual Basic Insider's Technical Summit (VBITS), VB-CD Quarterly, Books for Developers, Links to industry sites, user group listings, international software distributor lists, and more. WinDX also contains the most comprehensive catalog and listing sections for add-on tools for Visual Basic, Visual C++, OLE Controls (OCXs), BackOffice, Access, and Visual FoxPro. This site requires you to register (pretty cheap for such a great resource), but you can try some demo stuff before registration. (It used to be Free...)
- The Young BASIC Programmer's Club
- A club for all ages where you talk about programming (mainly Visual Basic) and computer talk. The club discusses on a mailing list and some members also meet on IRC daily (On EFnet in #YBPC.) Nice job!
- ZAC Catalogs - http://WWW.ZACCATALOG.COM
- Includes Tools, Books, Training, and News, on VB and other languages. If you're looking for a good place to land when looking for books or whatever, go here.
- Zoschke Data GmbH -
- Zoschke Data is the official distributor for some important VB vendors. They offer in-depth German info and tips & tricks, updates, demos and more.
- VBXtras WWW Site -
- A very good site for anybody who's looking for OLE controls, or Visual Basic Add-Ons. It features a comprehensive catalog of VB Controls and is worth a visit. It's sites like this that really make the differing of OCX controls important.
- Visual Basic Tips & Tricks Home Page -
- This is the home of the one and only "Visual Basic Tips and Tricks" Help-O-Zine. This is a comprehensive listing of really cool things you can do in VB, and how to do them. This is well worth the Download Time, and should be downloaded first chance you get. It is updated monthly.
- Component Graphics Web Site -
- The Component Graphics Web Site is a Homepage of a company which specialises in VB Components.
- Peter Larsson's VB Homepage -
- This is a pretty cool VB Homepage, with some nice features. Try to visit this one.
- A VBX Charting Tool -
- You can get a Charting VBX from here. It's pretty good.
- Southern Cross Visual Basic Code and Links -
- This is a pretty cool Visual Basic Page. It has some links, and some Source Code to Download.
- The VB Palace -
- This is a pretty cool site. I believe this is the home of the Visual Basic Programmers Ring. A nice site.
- The Original Usenet VB FAQ -
- This is the home of the original Usenet Visual Basic FAQ.
- Visual Basic For Beginners -
- This is a great page for Visual Basic Beginners. There is some great information here for people who want to learn the language of Visual Basic.
- [no title provided] -
- A pretty good site with some good stuff on it.
- The Web Continium - Visual Basic -
- This is a pretty good Visual Basic Page. page.
- Tom Day's VB Game Programming -
- This is a really good page for people who plan to write games in VB. There is quite alot of great info for anybody. Although.... It could use a bit more graphics, but it's good...
- Cool VB Programming -
- A good site with lots of good stuff on it.
- Leifen's Visual Basic File Archive -
- This is a good site with cool examples. It also has some Visual Basic 5.0 Information. I really liked this site.
- [no title provided] -
- A pretty cool site!
- [no title provided] -
- "will continue to grow..."
- Planet Source Code -
- Planet Source Code contains hundreds of pieces of Visual Basic code--all of it is free and all of it is online (no .zips to download )!!
- Barry's Visual Basic and Active X Page -
- Visual Basic 5.0 Pro & Visual Basic Script examples and info. Active X
- Matt Hail's Visual Basic Home Page -
- A pretty interesting Visual Basic Page. I think it's worth a visit...
- Visual Basic Explorer -
- A Visual Basic Page totally devoted to beginners! This page is excellent!
- The Black Hole -
- A pretty cool and interesting site.