Hangman's Moon

This is my home page, thank you for visiting my home page on the Internet

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You are visitor number  on my homepage since June 21, 1998.

This home site has last been modified on June 21,1998. Updated:: LINKS PAGE . Before you go please sign in my guestbook, I would really like to hear some comments from you! 

A short literary break:

The Hill is something I wrote back a couple of years ago. I hope you'll like it.
Alone is another short I wrote.
For The Love Of One is a short written by a friend of mine, Dez Yupingkun.
Hints of Rains is something I found in a daily paper years back.
Did You... is a poem my dear friend, Sharon Te, gave to me.
Untitled Poem is another poem from my dear friend Sharon...
Answer to Untitled Poem is yet another poem. :)

(If you like to include your short story or poem on this web site, I would be glad to! Just email me your story or poem and I'll try to include it here.)


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© 1996 Hangman


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