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Rarely !! Maintained by Robin Chatterjee from Calcutta,India
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(Perl ? What 's that ?? I hear you say ...
Perl /perl/ /n./
[Practical Extraction and Report Language, a.k.a. Pathologically
Eclectic Rubbish Lister] An interpreted language developed by Larry Wall
(, author of patch(1) and rn(1))
and distributed over Usenet. Superficially resembles awk, but is much hairier,
including many facilities reminiscent of sed(1) and shells and
a comprehensive Unix system-call interface. Unix sysadmins, who are almost
always incorrigible hackers, increasingly consider it one of the languages
of choice. Perl has been described, in a parody of a famous remark about
lex(1), as the "Swiss-Army chainsaw" of Unix programming.
Above Def snitched from the Jargon
file !!

Index of the pages
Perl version 5.8 is available from activestate and they have a visual studio.net version also.
The Openperl-ide is a very good freeware ide for perl development. If you'd prefer to buy there is a good one from DZsoft
Latest News .....Look for updates here
Mutexes Under perl.....Tips and traps of using mutexes.
Extensions or how to mess with the registry (and possibly your happiness)Things have changed in Build 500.Updates soon.
server quirks and CGI problems

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Copyright © Robin S. Chatterjee. All rights reserved.
Updated on 27th April 2001