The Programming Tuition Centre

This is a good spot to check for the latest tips  on AP207 and C208 so book mark it now.

Pages will continually change from week to week. (or whenever the BOMOH is free). 


News update:
My hard disk went KO recently and I am afraid I lost all those who have registered under my AP207 and CA208 tuition. please email me again so that you will receive AP207 / CA208 news updates.

AP207 Q&A (APRIL97)

Send all constructive suggestion to me.


Note: This homepage is set up personally is not sponsered by Informatics. 


Old Kampung 
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Kampung Informatik 
121-123C Lian Yik Building, 
Jalan Petaling, 
Phone: 2301311 
Monday, November 24, 1997 08:16:19 PM

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