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How to sell on ebay auctions - Ebay Business article about how to sell
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A Scientific Method to Ensure Your Products Will Sell On eBay

by Mike Monkulshoot

One of the things I enjoy the most about helping others build their own successful eBay business is listening to their business ideas. I’ve learned so much from all of the people with whom I work, primarily how creative and enthusiastic everyone can be about their ideas.

While a huge percentage of the ideas I hear offline are wonderful, they aren’t always ideal to sell on eBay.

So, my job is to teach others how to use a scientific approach to determine whether their idea is something that can be marketable and profitable to sell on eBay.

This scientific approach is called research!

Research is defined as “a systematic investigation (i.e., the gathering and analysis of information) designed to develop or contribute to general knowledge.” The knowledge in this case is your product or idea.

Why Do Some Ideas and Products Not Work for an eBay Business?

"How I Made Up To $11,212.00
A Month On eBay...
And How
You Can Too"

Mike Monkulshoot author of the best-selling ebay ebook "How an Overworked, Traveling, Soggy Sandwich Eating Dental Hygienist Made up to $11,212.00 a Month…100% Online."

As most of you already know, I focus primarily on teaching others how to benefitfrom the already huge eBay market and the customers they recruit to their site for your sales. To benefit from this traffic, you need to market a product that is highly popular and searched for by the masses. Doing so will make your job a lot easier and your ebay business a lot more profitable.

Before moving on, I want to clarify that there are always exceptions to the rule. For example, you can make money dealing in collectibles even though the items might not be searched for widely. This is so because you have a targeted group of people who are coming to eBay to look for this particular collectible.

For the most part, we are looking to find a product that is highly searched for and/or well known by the masses. I have found the best ebay products for this goal are popular name-brand products that are, for the most part, household names.

What Type of Product Research Is Needed to Determine Product Popularity?

So, you have an idea and now it’s time to start your research. The things you are looking for when doing your research are as follows:

- Number of ebay auctions in an ebay category
- Number of ebay auctions resulting in a sale
- Average number of bids per ebay auction
- Average ebay list price
- Average ebay sale price

It is first important to know you need to conduct your research not only by active ebay auction listings but also by completed ebay auction listings. By searching both active and completed listings, you’re better able to determine your average final ebay bid value as well as the average number of items ebay sold versus the number of ebay items listed.

Be Sure To Compare Apples With Apples

What do I mean by this? Well, there are two different types of ebay sellers (at least to me when doing research): the Business Sellers and the Garage Sale Sellers.

Business Sellers are eBay users who use eBay as a means of income. These buyers purchase products solely for the purpose of reselling them for a profit. This means they are listing their items with a profit in mind (which gives you an idea of what you will need to purchase the same products for to make a profit).

Garage Sale Sellers are those eBay users who use eBay as a hobby. They typically are using eBay to get rid of things around the house. Perhaps clothes their kids have grown out of, things they no longer use, and so on. Because these individuals aren’t necessarily using eBay as a business, they usually are listing the ebay items for much cheaper than if the ebay item was new (or overstock) and they needed to make a profit.

© Mike Monkulshoot- All Rights Reserved

Janiece Smith is the author of Internet’s top-selling eBook teaching everyday people how to sell on ebay and mamimize their ebay profits and make their own small fortune selling on eBay.

Discover Ebay Tips and The Secrets Janiece Smith Used To Earn Up To $11,212 Per Month Selling On eBay. Her Best-Selling eBook "How An Overworked, Traveling, Soggy Sandwich Eating Dental Hygienist Made up to $11,212.00 a Month...100% Online" allows you to easily and quickly apply the author’s ebay tips and secrets to sell on eBay and create huge amounts of instant ebay profits!

Click here to discover the secrets on how to sell on ebay auctions. Learn how author Janiece Smith sells on ebay and how she made $11,212 per month on ebay.


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