Keith Wright














This is the personal web page for Keith Wright. It was first created 8/9/96, and has been changed many times.  This last time I used the Web Page Wizard and then FrontPage to create it, since I rarely write raw HTML anymore. 

This page is for me to be able to reference some of my all time favorite links, pictures, and files that I have created.  Of course, visitors are welcome, so feel free to look around and enjoy all that I have to offer. 

The links should take you to my other pages where I have many pictures of family, friends, dogs, and loved ones; my interests where I have sites for computers, rockets, radios, electronics and more; my work links where I have some of the files for the Access, Java, and others; as well as my resume, where I have listings of my philosophy, knowledge, and experience.  













Favorite Links:








































My Info:










Keith Wright






















 This page was last updated:  09/25/2001 10:41 PM