LDSJ's Home Page

LDSJ's Home Page

(Larry D. Smith Jr.)

Have been disapointed so far.

Download some files from my file page.

See my Babylon 5 symbolism page.

Goto my Sailor Moon page.

See my Gargoyles page.


Looking for a shareware program, but can't find it? Then goto for the best shareware search engine on the net!

Visit the ftp for thousands of shareware & freeware programs.

Sailor Moon fan? Then goto to Starfox's page for all the Sailor Moon links, pics, sounds, and more!

This LDSJ's Webring site owned by Larry D. Smith Jr..

If you want a free web site, then goto to the geocities home page.

One of my clasic antics on Real Audio

If you would like to send me e-mail, then send it to or you can e-mail me at as well.

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Microsoft Internet Explorer
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Life would be better
AOL sucks
without these.