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Home Page

Ramat Gan


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Hello all and welcome to my Home Page.

I'm 34 years old and working in the diamond business as a manufacturing manager in a factory in Ramat Gan, Israel. We are manufacturers of large stones and i have also good experience in very small stones from the times that i was managing a factory in Thailand.
I'm also very interested in computers and especially in the Internet and all around it. I am working now on my home page and learning how to use the HTML language.
You can see more on my Second page and also you can see my Resume and all of my qualifications.

You can also visit my company site: A. Broukman Diamonds Ltd. and see what you like over there, and if all of this not enough for you, you can check my brother's site in Bangkok.
As for my self i'm almost divorce so if you like to be in contact with me (and i mean just the nice girls of you) don't hesitate to E-mail me.

That's all for now, hope you like it and do come to visit again.

you can visit my other site on:

More to come....

This Site Is Under Construction!!!!!!

Some other sites that I'm using from time to time

The CBS television Home Page
My Brother's Site


The "likud" Party "דוכילה"

"Globes" Financel newspaper



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