(ti-pan) Definition
I just started this page so it is far from finished and probably never will be finished.
This page is dedicated to all my interests which happen to be, Karate, Motorcycles, and 3d Computer games.
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Thank you for visiting my web site, soon I hope to have Doom I and II, Quake, and Warcraft II sites. Right now my biggest project is a complete Duke Nukem site. I also look forward to having links for the shareware versions of all these great games. Among my projects is a Braveheart page dedicated to the best movie of all time.To view my site correctly you must have either Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape.Thank you and if you don't have either of those two products you will not view my pag correctly.
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Visit my Duke Nukem 3d page! ......... ..Visit my Quake page
Visit my Braveheart site!
Wieder Web -rts files galore,a complete Duke Nukem Page!
id software -The creaters of Doom I & II, Quake!
This site recieved a ***1/2 from Hastermath's Homepage check it out it's a pretty cool site,especially if you like redneck jokes.
I heard you could watch movies on the net, If so Where?Please let me know if you have any info on that subject.
Coming Attractions
The complete Braveheart page,Quake,the art of Karate,and Duke Nukem 3d.
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