The NS5R Bag Site 03/Nov/98 update
This Site is dedicated to the users of the Korg NS5R Sound Module.
Here you will find usefull information, patches, applicatives and tutorials for your NS5R.
Specifications can be found on the LINKS page. Hope you enjoy it.

This program generates the hex sysex code for writing on the NS5R as discribed on the user's manual. It was written on VB4.0 32 bits and works only on Windows95.
Download 1,5 Mb
Hint FAQ
This is not only a FAQ, but a hint guide with expert user's tips
Programs, Combinations, Multi-Sets, Draws for the Display Writer
Really usefull links for NS5R stuff and Information.
Mac Files
You ask, so here it is! Mac files for your NS5R
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(c)1997 by Pedro Echeverria

Since 9/Jan/98