Yogy Namara's Home Page
NOTE:this page has not been updated since a VERY VERY long time.
I forgot my password and lost control of my old e-mail address.
I recently recalled my password, thanks to an easy-to-remember
password. Anyway, I will not do much improvement to this site.
Most probably this page will be a mirror of
my new homepage.
Welcome to my homepage!
So here you are, spending some time browsing the net,
and among millions of homepages you ended up here.
While you're here, please take some time at
The Programming Contest Solutions Archive
This homepage is hosted by

Isn't that nice, they serve us with many facilities for FREE!
I wonder what are their main purposes...

I created this page with Netscape Navigator 3.0
and Borland Pascal 7.0 for the editor.
My homepage will soon filled with graphic images
so you will miss a lot not to load them.
To view my homepage exactly as I designed it,
use Netscape Navigator 3.0, load the images,
set the width of the browser screen to 640,
use colors and background from the documents,
and set the Document Encoding
in the Options menu as Western[Latin1]

Shut up, Yogy!!
I love receiving and sending emails,
so feel free to drop me a mail or two.

[in Indonesian]
Kalau ngerti tulisan ini,
ayo dong kirim mail...

Well, enough with all this craps,
have some fun!
