The MIDI Page

These are the catagories of MIDIs I have in my collection. Select the catagory that interests you most, but remember that only the newest and/or best MIDIs in my collection appear here. Other MIDIs may be available on request.

* Alternative

* Children's, Traditional

* Classical

* Country, Bluegrass

* Dance, Hip-Hop, R & B

* Games

* Holidays

* Jazz, Blues, Riverboat

* Light Sounds, Easy Listening

* New Age

* Rock, Classic Rock

* Showtunes, Soundtracks

Use the discussion forum to talk about general MIDI with other people.

Technical Note: The MIDI files on this page are written for GS sound sources . They are specifically written for the Roland SCC-1 Sound Canvas. Keep this in mind if you download these MIDI files and you are playing them on a SoundBlaster or its successors. SoundBlasters use FM synthesis to play MIDI files, and thus sound significantly different from the original intended sound.

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since January 4, 2000.

To make requests and suggestions, send mail to .
(Last revised January 4, 2000)