Home Page of Paul St. John
Welcome internet surfer to my home page. I hope that you will get to know something about my life, and enjoy some of the links.

I was born in a small town in Iowa named LeMars, Iowa . I have only a few memories of the town, as we moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico when I was 2-1/2 years old. From there my family moved to Concord, California, a town in the San Francisco Bay Area. We also spent one year in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. As a student, and later as an attorney, I have moved quite a few times. I have lived in:

My Interests
I have a lot of interests. I particularly enjoy hiking, conversation,  travel, reading, skiing, skating,  ham radio, computers, and music.  I change this web site from time to time, adding links that I find interesting and useful.  I am divorced and would like to meet or correspond with active single women with similar interests and a college education.
My Family
I live with my daughter, Susan, an energetic high school freshman..
Here is Susan (center) with her two munchkin cousins:
Paul hugging a cactus:
Here are some Links that I enjoy

Amateur Radio Links - Click on this line


Cars Colleges and Universities I have attended: Commercial Sites

DXpeditions (Ham Radio in Rare Places)


Genealogy Government Health Home Pages Humor Legal Resources Maps Music

KING FM - Classics on the Internet


Parenting Personality Places Real Estate Values

      Home Checkup - Amazing! Get your comps!


Religion Search Engines: Season Shareware Shockwave Skiing Things to do in Southern California Travel Weather
I would like to hear from you. To send mail, just click on the mail box:
- Paul St. John
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