A Beginner's Guide to JavaScript

by Rajesh Vijayakumar

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What is JavaScript?

Javascript can be thought of as an extension to HTML which allows authors to incorporate some functionality in their web pages. So now, whenever the user presses the SUBMIT button, you don't necessarily have to invoke a cgi script to do the processing. If it is something simple, you can do the processing locally using Javascript and give back the results. Javascript can also be used in a number of ways to spice up your page.

Who is the beginner?

No, it's not you. It's me. By the title, all I meant was that this is my Guide to Javascript. I have just started studying Javascript and this is my way of doing it. Just thought I'd warn you...

As I learn Javascript, I'll be constantly improving this web site. So if you don't find anything of interest here now, please do come back later.

Whom this page is for

In its present form, this page is for the absolute beginner to Javascript. Some knowledge of HTML is assumed. For more information on HTML, check out my Links Page. Further on, familiarity with C++ will also be useful since these two are somewhat similar in syntax and also because Javascript is Object Oriented.

The Tips page contain some very simple but useful Javascript samples along with explanations. You can use them without knowing much about Javascript. On the Examples page, the code is somewhat longer(around 15 to 25 lines each). This page is still under construction but most of the things work. On the Links page, you will find links to lots of Javascript related resources on the web and if that's not enough, you can buy a couple of Javascript books from the BookStore.

If you have problems with any of these samples, please mail me. I have tested them only with MSIE but they should work with Netscape as well.

Aphrodite's Parlor
Thankyou Cheryl

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