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An aspiring web author...
It began with an email message from my Advisor. He recommended a brand new program I could download from the internet using, at the time, a user-friendly FTP program called Fetch. "It's great", he said. "It'll change the way you get on the internet".

NCSA Mosaic, it was called. Can't quite remember the version number, but it was brand new around November of '93. "Don't forget the helper programs" proved to be a bit more difficult to do, but I finally found them on the Cornell FTP server. And from that time, I was hooked. Indeed, Mosaic changed the way I got on the Net. And the Mac made it very easy.

A lot has changed since then, but my fascination with the Web continues. Here's my contribution to the future....

Interests are:
Eye to the Future with Web Authoring and Personal Improvement


  • Personal Hotlist: Personal Information , Yahoo, for Quick searches , News from Home , My Morning Coffee

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