About the Basic Stamp | Updates |
![]() - 2048 Bytes of EEPROM(non-volatile) The Basic Stamp is a small computer
that are programed with Parallax Basic(PBASIC) programs. They have fully
programmable I/O pins that can be used to directly interface to LEDs, TTL
devices, speakers, servos,and many more things. It can be purchased through
Parallax Inc. for about $49 US.
They are well worth the money. You can buy a starter kit from Parallax
for about $149. This gives you the Stamp, PBaisc programming language, serial
cable to connect to your computer, 300 page manual, and carrier board. I however
found it a lot cheaper(about half the cost) if you just buy the Stamp and the
carrier board get the rest of the things yourself. Click
here to find out how to get started in Stamping for half the cost.
![]() This Basic Stamp SX WebRing site owned by Shaun Wilson. [ Previous | Next | Random Site | List Sites]
Tuesday, March 27/01 Sorry for the lack of updates on my page over the past months. As a Engineering Student I just dont have time. Schools over in another month, so look for quite a few updates over the spring and summer. Saturday, Feburary 17/01 Started my PIC section of my website. I dont have any PIC projects up yet, but there coming. Thursday, July 13/00 Updated my altimter page. I finally finished my pocket altimeter and it works great. I'm very pleased with the result. Saturday, November 27/99 Added a new project "Interfacing a 64K serial EEPROM to the Basic Stamp" Great for those datalogging applications. Saturday, December 18/99 Added a new project "Interfacing a MAX187 12 bit serial ADC to the Basic Stamp I and II" Saturday, November 27/99 Added a new project "Interfacing a 64K serial EEPROM to the Basic Stamp" Great for those datalogging applications. |