CD Holder Information

Uncle CD Holder

This will be the largest collection of CD Holder information on the net. If you are searching for a CD Holder, you can find some of the neatest and best products for holding your CD's, manuals, floppy's and anything else you can think of. If you would like your CD Holder site added to this list, e-mail me here. Don't ask me why, but I have a thing with organization, and I've found it hard to organize my CD and floppy disks. Here are some of the CD Holders that I've found to make things easier.

Neater CD Holder - I bought a package summer of 2000, and I'm very impressed with this product. It is very useful, I have them put up all over my work area. It allows easy access to my CD's whenever I need them. They will hang on a wall using a sticky tab, and it works very well. I bought it through the website, and received 45 bucks worth of credit for paintball. Pretty cool, I wish I played the sport. Recommended Highly.

Lizard CD Holder - An interesting CD Holder, shaped like a lizard. I find its hard to put it in a place to get at it easily, but it looks cool. Perhaps if you have a friend who is into reptiles, you could get it for them as a present. Or even better, if you have a lonely lizard looking for a mate.

Aluminum CD Holder- looks like a pretty cool CD Holder, I might order one from them.

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