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UPDATE 4/18/04 The camping trip to Maramec Spring was awesome! We caught a ton of trout, and all the new features we installed on the Jeep preformed great! I was also amazed by the view of the Ozark Mountains A view of the Ozark Mountains from Missouri's highest point

4/14/04 What a beatiful day today was! Here are some pictures that I took today while fly fishing on the Little Piney river at Milldam Hollow, such a beatiful place. A cliff on the Little Piney

Another look at the river

4/13/04 I put up some pictures from around camp if you want to check them out.

Some random camp pics!

4/6/04 Hello Foley Counselors...and welcome! If you really want to find out more about me just click on "about me" above,feel free to look aroung and enjoy. 3/28/04The photos page has been updated with pictures from my spring break trip to Maramec Spring for some trout fishing. Be sure to bookmark this page and check back for updates.


The Group Skiing Picture!!!

For those of you that requested it: my christmas card photo!

An awesome picture of me flyfishing on New Years eve on the Little Piney River in Newburg, MO

A Picture of Sarah Schmitz on during my recent trip to MN/WIS.

Check out my new shirts that I designed and printed!