Jesper Brynaa

Picture Jesper Brynaa
Network architect
Gl. klausdalsbrovej 467
2730 Herlev

Work phone: -- -- -- --
Home phone: 39 76 27 06
E-Mail: JBrynaa @ Hotmail.Com

My self :

I am 32 years of age, 184 cm tall, with brownish blonde hair.
In 1968 I was born in Esbjerg, later on I moved to Copenhagen to study engineering at DTU.

My education :

I started at Technical university of Denmark as a student of Electrical Engineering in 1990. In the later part of my study, I had 2 main focuses. one is Networking and the second is developing user-friendly interfaces to client server applications and usability.

My late studies were centred around Center for Teleinformation. (A list of some of my projects can be found below.)
I would especially like to mention two of my major projects:
One was the construction of robust search algorithms for relational databases, based on a Oracle7 server, kindly supplied by Oracle, Denmark
Another, my final project, was the construction of a network simulator, with the purpose of being able to test different algorithms for Traffic generators with self-similar characteristics.

My life :

During my study, I lived at Kampsax kollegiet, where I, among other things, participated in designing, building and administration of a network covering all 521 rooms.
When I didn't play around with computers, and networks, I relaxed in the local pub Kampsax caféen, where I tended the bar for 3 years.

I was quite active in student politics, Where I served two terms in the student government body of the Technical Univercity of Denmark, I was also elected as student representative on the board of Department of Telecommunication and participated in the administration of student residencies.

Pandekagehuset is the name of the huge old house I bought in join venture with a couple of friends in Oct. 99.
It currently houses 9 adults + Girl/Boy-friends, and is located just across from Gentofte lake north of Copenhagen.
The concept of sharing a house is absolutely, and without a doubt the best idea I've ever had. For a resonable rent, I get lots and lots of space and facilities, and the best of all - Great company.

In 1993 I met my girlfriend on a tripple blind date, but we didn't start dating for real until 1999. Cæcilie is the most wonderfull girlfriend anyone can wish for. And now we are looking forward to starting a family of our own.

Other things that are important to me is my family and my friends.

My opinion :

Political speaking, I believe in the rights of the individual to be treated with respect, regardless of social status. I firmly believe that some services must be tended to by the public system, not for efficiency, but for safety. Therefore I am a member of the Danish Socialist Peoples Party (SF), unfortunately my primary involvement, so far, has been to hand out the ballet-sheets, at the poll's on election day.

But since I'm the kind of person that respectes action and not bickering, I find my self in the unfortunate situation where I can't justify myself backing up any single politician, regardles of party, in the Danish parliament.

My mantra is: Come clean, and speak your mind, Otherwise you can't complain when things don't work out the way you want!
It might be a democracy, but it favours the active.

My hobbies :

Im the proud owner of a Virago 1000, from 1985. It rides like a dream. Unfortuanetly i don't have any pictures of it, yet. In the mean time check out this baby.

This is how it sounds
Reasently I inherrited my younger brothers old fish tank, it is placed right next to my bed, and it is quite soothing to look at, at night just before sleeping.
Population Jan-2002
The names are in Danish, due to the fact that I don't know the English names.
5 Kileplet
6 Neon fisk
1 Pansermalle
1 Sugemalle
1 Salt & pepper Molly
2 Bali haj
1 plekoptumusser
2 guld Scalarere
1 Reje

Career :

Prior to the completion of my education, I have worked as:
From To Function Company
93 95 Technical manager ServiceManagenemt Installation and configuration of restaurant POS system - Sable 9000
01/97 08/97 Programmer Danmarks Lærehøjskole Construction of a multimedia CD-ROM for use in 8-9 grade education
10/97 04/98 Help Desk / Support NCN Coordinating, and supporting Tivoli, and Remedy customers
After I completed my Master of Science degree I have worked as:
From To Function Company
11/98 09/99 Test Engineer Olicom Conducting and developing Test procedures for switch products
09/99 03/00 Test Engineer Intel Olicom was bought by Intel (Same work, same place, new name)
04/00 02/01 Network planner (WAN) SAS-Data Planning and purchasing global network connections, primarily based on Frame relay technology
02/01 05/01 Software thinker Designing software for use in the danish industry

Projekts Fall 96

Projekts Spring 97

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