Macintosh programs for MIDI control of the Roland VS series
Freeware programs for remote control of the Roland VS-series of hard
disk recorders from any Macintosh computer with a colour monitor, a MIDI
interface and OMS installed.
Sorry, no PC version either now or in the forseeable future
Available for the VS-880, VS-880-EX, and VS-1680, the VS-Console programs
provide a graphical interface for all the mixer and effects parameters
that can be accessed via MIDI. On-screen viewing of level meters display
is also provided. In the latest versions there is a new speech feedback
option (requires Apple Text-To-Speech software installed) which also allows
all VS mixer and effects parameters to be edited from the keyboard with no
need to use the mouse.
Available for the VS-880 and VS-880-EX only, the VS-TrackEdit programs
provide a graphical interface for the song editing commands.
Useful for all the VS-series, this little utility transfers the MIDI
system updates occasionally made available by Roland (something that
plenty of the more complex MIDI sequencers appear to have trouble with).
Just give it the first file and then wait for the beeps to say that it
has finished
Contact me by e-mail
Note new address since August 1999
Various VS links
24 Aug 99
Tidied up web page, change e-mail contact information, updated on-line documentation.
Released VS-Console-EX and VS-TrackEdit-EX.
New versions of VS-Console, VS-Console-16, and VS-TrackEdit.
13 Jan 00
Download links for html manuals finally added.
should now be available. It does not cost much, and if it delivers what
it promises then I doubt my programs will be useful any more (except maybe for those people who find the speech feedback option in the Console programs useful). Cosi' e' la vita.
Jul 00 Seems that some people actually prefer my programs to the present version of LogicVS!!! See VSPlanet
(thanks Jamie and Todd).
Mar 01 MIDI Mouse