NotGNU Emacs Editor

NotGNU is a freeware, user-friendly, emacs style text editor -- similar to GNU Emacs but much smaller and lighter, with a Windows look and feel. It is available for DOS, Windows 3.1/95/98/NT/2k/XP machines and linux.

The notgnu site has moved to Please check there for all notgnu information and downloads. Please update any links that still point to this older location.

Some NotGNU features:

  • very small and fast
  • uses system virtual memory and can read very large files
  • keystroke macro support with the ability to save and recall macros
  • customizable toolbar and right-mouse popup menu
  • customizable key combo settings
  • regular expression search & replace support
  • rectangular cut and paste
  • undo stack
  • compiler call support
  • fits on a floppy with room to spare
  • There is no extension language or syntax coloring support at this time.

This product is freeware. The only requirement is that this product not be bundled with a for-fee product without prior permission. Other distribution is allowed so long as the attached copyright is adhered to.

Please send me mail if you try this editor; I would appreciate any/all comments. Otherwise, enjoy and find it useful; that's the overall goal. Postcards welcome. -- Julie

New Location:

OLD locations:

Email Julie Melbin (Julie AT or the webmaster (jeff wilkinson)
Last Updated: January 18, 2002