Anshuman Sharma, User-Interface Designer
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Anshuman Sharma's home page

I am Anshuman Sharma and I am a user-interface designer for web and multimedia.
My work profile includes: content design, interaction design, information design,
complete user-experience design, user-interface design and graphic design.

The area of my expertise is web design, website design and image optimisation, web page layout design, corporate website design portal design, websites for e-learning.
I have studied Product Design, Graphic Design and Town Planning.

This website gives a brief idea of my  Work - Profile and gives an idea of the type of work I do.

Thanks for visiting my site. Have a look at my resume in doc format, or html format.
E-mail me for web design related jobs at


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Last Updated on Oct 4, 2000

No. of visitors since April'98
© 2001, anshuman sharma

flash animations anshuman sharma Web Design print design and illustration, children's books graphic designer web site and web page designer anshuman, web designer Work - Profile Work - Profile Personal Profile Personal Profile Hobbies and Interests Hobbies and Interests Address and E-mail Address and E-mail