NHB League Manager



If you're here for the NHBLeagueManager that's great but this link is way more important.

2006JUN28 UPDATE: Source code is now available for download. See release notes.

NHB League Manager is .Net winform app using NHBSim 0.97 as the engine.  It started as a league mgmt. tool and ended up somewhere between that and a single player game. It's designed and tested with the UFC rule set and other rule sets may or may not work correctly.  If you don't already have NHBSim 0.97, it can be found at www.stonedmonkeysoftware.com  (If they no longer have the 0.97 version available just do a web search and you should be able to find it hosted on other sites.) Almost all of the rule defaults are copied from the Jungle Chaos website using the rules in effect on 2006APR20. The guys over at JC have done an incredible job. Please pay them a visit at Jungle Chaos


This will probably be the last version for a while (maybe ever) because Marco's excellent NHBSim has inspired me to try writing my own sim. To that end, I'm abandoning this to start work on a gladiator sim that will probably consume me for the next six or eight months. Hope you enjoy and feel free to email.





Do yourself a favor and actually READ the LM_ReadMe.txt in the zip file.  There are specific install instructions and some info on things you should NOT do in the app.  This is a .Net 1.1 application so you'll need to have the 1.1 .Net framework installed. If you don't have the framework installed you can download load it from Microsoft.com

Download Page


This application is freeware.
For bug reports or other feedback email: jacob4408@hotmail.com.
Please put FRF as the subject header so I can distinguish it from junkmail.



1.3.2 2006JUN28


I don't have time to fix some minor bugs or add the new features requested so I've released full source code to the net. Check the downloads page.


1.3.2 2006MAY24


This release is a major design change and is completely incompatible with earlier versions.

* Create leagues
    - specify Star Points bonus/penalty amounts for fight results
    - specify cash bonus/penalty for fights and streaks
    - create robocans and specify randomization of names, stats, stat limits, starting skill ranks, etc.
    - leagues can be independent with different fighters, world records, etc.

* Manage leagues
    - Automated quarterly maintenance feature to auto train robocans, increment age for all
            fighters, and assess age related stat penalties. Retirements recommended for
            fighters meeting certain criteria such as winless after 6 fights, low win percentage
            after 10 fights etc.
    - Retire fighers
    - Create new player character fighters (fighters can be created and trained in this tool but
        strategies still need to be adjusted via NHBSim.
    - Autocreate new robocans
    - manual training for fighters if desired following Jungle Chaos rules

* Create/Manage events
    - create matchups manually or randomly. Restrict matchups to certain skill levels to ensure
no lopsided matchups occur. Random matchups can be both fighters random, or
        specified fighter assigned a random opponent depending on rankings and rank spread
    - right click matchup to recieve fighter to fighter comparison by grade scale
    - process results after NHBSim has run to automatically update records, star points, event
        purse, etc.
    - Note: Injury penalites are not automatically assessed and must be manually assessed by the
        league admin

* Event Viewer
    - more or less the same as earlier versions

There's a bit more stuff in there like team views and so forth but you'll just have to poke around and find it.


1.0  2006APR06
* Fight formatter screen now has a toolbar option for Process Card. You will be prompted for path to the NHBSim DATA directory and whatever directory that you want the results output to. It will then automatically process all fights in the card and put each of them into new and improved .frf file format.

* new .frf file contains fight text, basic tale of the tape info, and victory results summary. The fight text has been changed so that it only stores font indicators instead of full font info for each line. This makes file size smaller and makes the .frf files portable so that if you share the .frfs with your friends, when they view they get the formatting options they have selected instead of what you selected.

* Viewer form has been added. Load 1 or more .frfs in viewer to create you own "card" to watch. Tale of the tape info for each fight, round clock, variable speed fight viewing, single button click to navigate back and forward through all the fights in the card.

NOTE: the new .frf file format is INCOMPATIBLE with previous versions. This means the viewer can only read the new version.

0.7  2006MAR27

* Define font, font style, effects, size, and color for 7 different categories (Strike Result, Takedown Result, Section Header, etc)

* Randomly replace ref name with user defined values.

* Auto calculate injuries depending on user defined values for frequency and severity depending on number of rounds, winner or loser, type of victory, etc.

* Time guesstimates; quick sim took out the round times of each action, we add our best guesstimate back in depending on user defined round length.


- jacob4408
Disclaimer-I'm a programmer not a web guru. This website will not win any awards and I don't really care. :-)