Niraj Shah
Hi. Let me tell you about myself. I was born on August 25th in a town called Vadodara (Baroda) in the state of Gujarat, India. I came to US when I was 14 years old and recently bought a new house in Bloomfield, New Jersey.  I completed my Bachelors from Rutgers University New Brunswick campus. I'm presently consulting at Wall Street as Network Administrator and Microsoft Certified System Engineer
Bachelors of Science

Rutgers College

training from PC Age
Windows 2000 Server

Oracle DBA
Certification program from NUWare Technology Institute
CISCO Router
classes from Metropolitan Institute of Technology
My Resume in Word


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My hobbies and interests include anything with computers and the Internet, listening to music, dancing, traveling to foreign countries, clubbing especially in NY City, surfing the web, playing pool, painting, and reading.
I have hundreds of friends, too many to list here.  But my favorties ones are Ishwaar, Vik, Saurabh, Kalpesh, etc...
Dad:  Mahendra Shah Masters in Civil Engineer and PE (Professional Engineer)
Mom:  Suvarna Shah from India
Sister:  Heny Shah
Bachelors in Computer Information Science