About Us
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Greg and I have been together since May 11, 2004.  We got engaged on March 25, 2005 and were married January 21, 2006. 
We are planning on building an A-frame house on the farm in the near future.  Greg is currently looking into selling the timber on the farm so we can clear out a place for the house and get some money to start building.

Right now we have cattle on the farm and we just had a calf today 6/6/06 (spooky)  But he is solid white so I don't think he's evil.  I'll try to take picture of the cows and have a cow page later.

We have a cat named Max and a new beagle puppy named Nancy.  We are going to get a male bluetick beagle and name it Ronald....for the Regans.  Check out the pet pages!  (they are still under construction)
Here is me and Greg after we got engaged last March.
Max's Page
Nancy's Page
Yahoo! Photos
Yahoo! Greetings
My Info:
Name: Adrienne Smallwood
Email: maryadrienne@yahoo.com
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