Don't blame me! You asked for it! Here are more of my pics!

These are 2 of my senior pictures from high school. They are about a year and a half old, but I still look about the same.

This is me after graduation at my uncle Curry's house.

This is my tux before my HS prom. Study this pic well cause you won't find me in a tux again anytime soon!

This is the most recent picture of the bunch. This is Christmas of '97 at my dad's house in Asaph. He had just given me a black cowboy hat for Christmas as well as a brown leather jacket. I was feeling "redneck" so I grabbed my dad's guitar for a picture. By the way, I have no clue how to play the guitar, but wouldn't you agree it looks good just holding it?

These are two of my kitties, Ty and Bandit. Ty is the Siamese in the back with the wild and crazy look in his eyes. Bandit is the "tuxedo cat" in the foreground.

This is a picture of Main Street in my hometown of Wellsboro. Wellsboro brings many tourists to see the gaslights on the boulevard as well as to just enjoy being away from the city. Click this picture to see more pics of Wellsboro.

This is the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon. Sure it isn't nearly as big as the canyon in the west, but it is beautiful regardless. I live only a short distance from here and have spent a lot of time in and around the canyon. It has some great hunting and trout fishing. My favorite part of the canyon, however, is swimming in Pine Creek which runs through it. Click this picture to see more pics of the canyon.

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