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Erik's Website
Hi and welcome to my website! Here you will find many downloads for Brood War, Starcraft, Diablo, and! ENJOY!
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(All the bots listed come with some sort of read me file to teach you how to use them.)

Download -- Winters Bot Version 1.1.6b3 (43.0 kb) - This bot is easy to use and has many features, it is my personal favorite.

-- Winters Bot Version 1.1.5 (38.4 kb) - This is an earlier version, it is easier to use but has fewer features than the beta version.

-- BNX Chatterbox (169 kb) - This bot is designed to keep saying the same thing over & over, good for advertising.

-- Battle Bot (51.6 kb) - This is a very complicated bot and is recommended for only people who know how to program.

-- Greet Bot (32.7 kb) - Very simple bot used to "greet" people and record when they came in to the channel.

-- Pro Bot (50.9 kb) This bot is a lot like the Battle Bot, only the Pro Bot has less features and is a little easier to use.

-- Wolf Bot (27.7 kb) - This is a later version of the BNX Chatterbox, same thing only more features.
Since June 18, 1999
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