Hi, You have reached the home of Harischandra Shenoy.

I don't speak Java nor do I know the HtMl alphabet. Yet.
So U aren't going to be treated to amazing pages of graphic extravaganza. Yet.

Just some photos and text of and about me, my family and my friends. At the moment this 'page has some hurriedly put together photos of the SRM CSE Class of 1996 Get-together '99 and some photos of me and my friends. Should be cleaning up and updating with more fun stuff in a couple of weeks. Come back later for more.

'claimer: This project (page) has received a lot of grants from the World Bank :-) and hence will be under construction for a long time to come.

Links to other sites on the Web

Click here to continue to SRM CSE Class 96 Gettogether '99 Photos...

Click here to continue to SRM New England Chapter Photos...

Click here to continue to My (brick)home and family in India...

Click here to continue to my car and appt (in America)Photos...

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