National Semiconductor Scanner on a Chip
This is a quick site for Merlin designers. All the available documents are included in this site. For those who may have problems to access the files in this site or need more information, please contact
Thanks a lot!!

This is site was design for 800x600 display to get the best view.

           Data Sheets          For Hardware Engineers          For Software Engineers

LM9832 - New version of LM9831

Al the information provided here is for the developing use. Any information is subject to change. Please contact National office or the distributors for the official information for product approval.
National Semiconductor holds the copy right of all the information and the intellectual property. Any kind of duplication on the document and design/concept is not allowed by the law.


File update history:
Nov. 10, 1999  Site set up
Nov. 25, 1999 Update LM9832 information
Dec. 27, 1999 Update software V1.22
Update new mini driver
Feb. 3, 2000 Update USB minidriver v1.07 (with Win 2000 & WHQL ready)
Update EEPROM generator file
Update CIS Bus Powered circuit for Canon CIS
Mar. 2, 2000 Update software V1.25
Mar. 8, 2000 Update first LM9832 data sheet
Mar. 13, 2000 Update new schematics of LM9831/32 which need extra 8.2K ohms on top of crystal circuit to yield better performance