I am still working on this (once in a while), and I've been pretty busy lately with school. I don't have much here right now, but some of this stuff may be interesting to someone out there.
I graduated, so this excuse doesn't work anymore. I'm working on stuff now. REALLY!
Ok... So I'm being really lazy about updating things here. You may as well take a look at some other pages that I'm being horrible about keeping updated at the Panorama home page.

My interests


I have begun to place some of my school assignments on here, as well as some slightly interesting/useful stuff (for some people) intended for public use. You can find it on my programming page.


Here you can find The page of all things "The Game", which is the most complete game I have released to the public.


I actually have done quite a bit of graphics, as I went through all of the undergraduate graphics courses (some of the assignments are now available on my programming page), and some of the graduate level graphics courses at the University of Utah.
Some of my computer generated images (from my own programs) can be found here on my "graphical" page.


You can take a look at some of my projects at my projects page.

Linux User

Revision History:
????1999 Created this page after my old pages were disposed of by the new hosts of geocities.
18Oct1999 Added images above (now removed) to avoid having my space reclaimed by geocities.
30Nov1999 Added the link to my programming page.
07Dec1999 Uploaded thgme09b.zip, added a link and verbage for it.
Uploaded my handout for my machine learning presentation. Created a link to it.
Uploaded almost my entire public_html directory that I had stored in a tarred CVS tree. I then modified most of the pages so that they would work. It is still not completely functional, but the stuff can be found here.
25Jan2001 Added the link to my "graphical" stuff.
Basically rewrote all of my current web pages. Added my calculator (under projects), etc.

Here is the count of people who have accessed this page since 01Dec1999 (when I added counters):

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