I'm really sorry but lately haven't had time to work on my own projects. But school is over now, and I might find some time to work again on this auto-kick program. If you have any comments, email me.

niofis (Ðrâgôñ)

There have been some problems around kaillera, with people joining playing games, and closing them, that why I decided to do something about it and designed this MAME32k loader. While using this loader, any one that joins a playing games gets automatically kicked out asap.

You can download the program right here, it work for kaillera client version 0.9, regular version, not spanish, nor 800x600 version.

For this loader to work, you must place the file NoEnter.exe in the same place as mame32k.exe.

Note: This loader has been tested with MAME32k .64, but it's suposed to work on other versions as well, as long as they are called mame32k.exe. This program have been working fine on Windows XP, so, if you have that Windows version you should be fine, i think it might work on other versions of Windows, but i haven't tried them.

This program is still on testing and might have bugs.

If you have any trouble, cuestion, or comments, fell free to send me an IM to niofis, e-mail me at niofis@yahoo.com or go to the guestbook: sign view.


niofis (Ðrâgôñ)

Update...as Avhon requested i now have the 800x600 version of my program NoEnter.

Here is the new version: NoEnter.

And it work with the 800x600 version of kaillera client, u can download here. (Note: This version of kaillera client, has more viewable area than regular version).

niofis (Ðrâgôñ)