Analog =(X)= Prototype Script By K4ZuYa
The most organized script I've ever done, This Script is Taken and modified almost 90% from Lidokidz Millenium Edition. A very Sensitive yet adjustable Script. Simple and Venomous, Try Now!
LidoKidz Millenium Edition Script
The Long awaited script is now arrived within the reach of your mouse, LIDOKIDZ 2000 script is enhanced by a bunch of utility that being used frequently.This script is armored with FIREWALL PROTECTION and ICMP watch, LIDOKIDZ 2000 script is also armed with several Nuker Program. Just watch out whether it is Channel war or Internet war,LIDOKIDZ 2000 SCRIPT is leading.
LidoKidz CreW WAR Edition
The name "war" has been assigned to this script, it's showing that this script is made for war with its pure war capability, your enemy will be driven away. Download it now and feel the power.New Items are added into this script.Pure enjoyment for faithful LKZ2000 users.
Verticle Inverse Script
This script is very good in terms of security, MP3 server, Popups and User Interface. If you are interested in war this script is no exception, try it now!!!.
Infinity Script by uP-C|ez
The latest script in IRC world, descendant of LkZ War Script, this script is created for chatters who prefer user-friendly interface.This script is available here
Altuna Zoul 2000 Script By A|tunA_Z0u|
A very Complete script, War and Protection are Excellent, This script is a must for those who likes thrill and being secure, Download today and feel the different.
Valek Script 2000 by VaLeK
The Best Compilation script ever! my buddy has created this script because the need of protection.. useful in large channel
Additional FIles
Net Administrator
NetBus Controller and Patch