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Dear Travellers,

I created this page to reach all travellers around the world. Talking about experiences, giving best advises, telling about great holiday resorts, prices, flights, accomodations, about country, money,  food, health & safety and others. Its all about travel, you can even share your travel business.

I am in this industry since 1991 working with  European travel companies and giving travel services to their customers. I do incoming/handling bussiness.

I do travel other countries like you for holiday, business and visiting. Its always good to have advises before you travel anywhere. Thats why we can all share our experiences, we can use FAQ. Ask question to answer that will help you to have a pleasant and memoriable holiday for your next journey.

Why you are waiting?  You can all ready start tell about  experience, share and ask questions. Sign my guest book or send me instant message