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Welcome visitors,

please find information about me, Klaus Wenger, on these pages.

This site is meant for my current and future friends to stay in contact. 

The pages are non-frame and mostly text on purpose. Simplicity in design is the premise for any successful creation
(and speeds up loading of the pages as a nice side effect ).

The contents of this site are fully copyrighted and may not be used in any location, document or context other than this. The pages and all pictorial material may not be copied and used without my explicit permission.

If you want to add a link to this page to your site than please observe that I decline any responsibility for the contents of those pages. I especially will not tolerate links from sites with extremists' political opinions or any other criminal matter.

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Visitors since 23rd of December 2000

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This page was last updated on the 2nd of June 2001