Welcome to the Zimmerl's softwares download page

Hi, I'm Ricardo C. Zímmerl', a developer. In this page I give to you an opportunity to known my work, download and use some of my softwares.
These softwares needs a runtime system to properly run; some have it incorporated, others no, for space economy. But the runtime is aways the same, therefore, if you install one that have or install the "runtime standard" (980Kb), you will can install and run any one without problem.
The language of the software is the same of the correspondent box.

List of my softwares available to download

Support page (portuguese)

If you want to contact me send an email at: zimmerl#infomarketing.cjb.net (change the "#" to "@").

Copyright by: Ricardo C. Zímmerl', 2003 a.D.