Ng's Demo Homepage
This web page has constructed by Supareak V.
This page has been accessed  times. Since 15 August 1998.
Ng Demo (Beta 3) - Graphics suite demo program
Fire Demo
3D Rotate Demo
Lens Effect Demo
Vector Ball Demo
Ng Sound Engine Demo 2.0 - Wavemixer demo for Windows CE 2.0
Ng Graphics Demo (Beta 3)

Hello, this is my graphics demo program for Windows CE Handheld PC. The demo was created for testing my game routines. I recommend you to run the demo on COLOR MACHINE. I hope, you will enjoy with my hobby. 

The DEMO consist of 6 parts. There are... 

    The demo is show my sprite engine work with Direct Screen Access technic. 

    The demo is show a magnifying glass effect. This is the same as my previous demo. 

    The demo is show a 3D object rotating around the screen. I have improved it by use fixed point math rater than floating point. It is faster than my previous demo. 

    The demo is show a globe effect. 

    The demo is show a fire effect. 

    The demo is a simple vector ball demo. 

Send any feed back to Mr.Supareak V.
Small Demos
_Fire DEMO 7-Aug-98 
My 4th graphics demonstration for Windows CE. The Fire.exe runs on Windows CE 2.0 or later. Unzip and copy file into your H/PC then run. 

_EXE file for MIPS machine type Fire.MIPS.ZIP
_EXE file for SH3 machine type Fire.SH3.ZIP

_3D Rotate DEMO 6-Aug-98 
My 3rd graphics demonstration for Windows CE. The 3DRotate.exe runs on Windows CE 2.0 or later. Unzip and copy file into your H/PC then run. 
_EXE file for MIPS machine type 3DRotate.MIPS.ZIP
_EXE file for SH3 machine type 3DRotate.SH3.ZIP
_Lens DEMO 6-Aug-98 
My 2nd graphics demonstration for Windows CE. The Lens.exe runs on Windows CE 2.0 or later. Unzip and copy file into your H/PC then run. 
_EXE file for MIPS machine type Lens.MIPS.ZIP
_EXE file for SH3 machine type Lensl.SH3.ZIP
_Vector Ball DEMO 1-Aug-98 
My first simple graphics demonstration for Windows CE. The VectBall.exe runs on Windows CE 2.0 or later. Copy file into your H/PC then run. 
_EXE file for MIPS machine type VectBall.MIPS.ZIP
_EXE file for SH3 machine type VectBall.SH3.ZIP
Ng Sound Engine DEMO version 2.0

Hello everyone, 

Today is 8 August 1998. I have time improved my Sound Engine demonstration program after I did my hard work for 3 months, ago. NgSoundEngine DEMO 2.0 has some bug fixed from the previous. The mix channel advance to 32 channels and I put some graphic routines into the demo. I think, it took beatuful. Do you think so? :) I also put MOD player routine for its background music. I hope you may enjoy with my job. 

The demo designed for COLOR H/PC. However, it also works for MONO H/PC. 

Beware for SLOW SPEED machine. The Demo may be works but you just need to wait when the program is being start. All resources in the Demo were compressing. It will talk few minutes to decompress them.

Click here to download

Please, let's me know if the demo runs with any problem on your machine. 

Click here to see the history of NgSoundEngine

Copyright © 1997-1999, Panutat Tejasen, All rights reserved 
