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Welcome to my world, my dreamworld of anime.
*music from the twilight zone comes on* HEY! WRONG MUSIC!!!! (yells at the guy behind stage) *music stops*
Hehehehe (shows a big goofy grin) Don't mind that!
Anyway, I'm your host, Princess Angelina Contesa Louisa Bobesca Bafana....ehh...
Oh, yeah! All ideas, stories, and characters in my fictions are mine so no stealing!! Almost every single image or picture on this site are mine! I drew them, scan them, worked on them. So you better not take them! Don't forget to sign my guestbook! You can find my guestbook in the pull-down menu. |
Take that!
Disclaimer: I have no idea what to do with this. All I know is that I have to have this so people won't sue my butt. Okay, how am I suppose to say this? This site is for enterainment only! I get no money at all! Dragonball is not made by me (duh!)but instead by Akira Toriyama. FUNimation Production has something to do with the American DBZ series. I think Bandi takes some credit. TOEI Animation????? Final Fantasy series is made by Squaresoft. eh.....Sailormoon......???? Whatever! You get the idea!