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News and Stuff updated by Nightstrike and Punisher
15/03Tactics Page Added
12/03 Profiles Page and Picture gallery up.
08/03Pannenkoek aka ColdBlood has joined our ranks 
24/02New Members Section opened
23/02 Recruitment Page opened 
Updated List of Clan Members
Commander:  Punisher ICQ:20936952 
2nd in Com:  Nightstrike ICQ:18767994
Lieutenant:     ColdBlood ICQ:30201810
Soldier:  Omen ICQ:33952701 
--- New Tactics Page --- 
Click on the image to enter the new Tactics page
Find out which weapons we recommend for each map, the pros and cons of the weapons, and good hints for the maps.
Member Profiles
Click on the nice wee wavy scottish flag for all the member profiles. I've eradicated the racist comments about Americans, becuase we get a lot of hits from them and it's really not very nice. So it's an American-Friendly profiles page now. Hooray! Mind you, read the profiles at your own peril... they're a bit silly really (good for a laugh then)
To do with us:
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Six O'Clock
To do with the game:
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Redstorm Website
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Old News and that
Omen joins FARSE
We have a new recruit in Britain, Rich has been named Omen and also uses Mplayer. However he was not admitted in the usual way - due to unfortunate circumstances Nightstrike was banned from the internet (oops - clever boy) so was unable to take the tryout, and I (Punisher) was busy trying to get the update download from Mplayer after another failed mod forced me to reinstall R6. We therefore decided that, due to all the hassle we put Rich through, we would let him in to the clan with no tryout. Incidentally, that was 3 days ago, and I STILL haven't managed to get this update downloaded - it's always stuck on 69% for some reason. Wonder why 69........

ColdBlood joins FARSE
We have now recruited a member in Holland, Pannenkoek has been named ColdBlood and is a regular on Mplayer. As always it was a case of "ColdBlood beats Punisher so many times that Punisher lets him in...."
Unforgiven goes AWOL
One of our members, Unforgiven has gone AWOL. As you can see, his space has been filled by ColdBlood in the updated list of members. Unforgiven, if you see this get in touch.
Unforgiven beats PuNiShEr
Our new member, Unforgiven beat the commander, PuNiShEr, in close battle in tryouts. Map: Embassy, PuNiShEr ran out of ammo in his clip whilst in amongst the maze, Unforgiven jumps off the ledge and PuNiShEr gets one in the chest for his constant [Del] pressing. Not a very exciting story at the best of times really. Isn't that how it always happens? ;-)

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