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overclocking cpu,new one.I hope that you may enjoy to suft us.
What's news
Opening new website.(16/10/2000) |
I finsih making new site already.You can look it here Xoverclocker.The first review is Epox EP-8KTA+ and many overclocking results
will be posted eg pentiumIII700@1052 and duron 600@ >1160 MHz.Please visit us.
I make up new website that is "Xoverclocker".That still have my overclocking and some hardware reviews.Thank you
I amn't dead yet.Sorry for no update for 18 days.I am busy and I am making up my new website name "Xoverclocker.com" that will contain overclocking articles of the generation-x overclocker.Results of overclocking
pentiumIII700e and duron 600 MHz will be posted there.
Coming soon pentiumIII700@1152 MHz.(31/8/2000) |
I am writing the article and taking some pictures.It will be finished in this weekend.Please come and see how I do.
Supercooled tower preview.(28/8/2000) |
Today I test supercooled tower with room temp water outside the mobo and use themometer to record the temperature.I find that with supercooled tower it cooled the cold plate lower than ordinary peltier setup around 8 c
but this may me more lower if I use phase change combind with it.8 c may be low enough but I interest in its' property in more tolerate heat production in heavy load.So what is supercooled tower?It is easy to do but use modify concept.
I need to test it with phase change and find it result.
About "Supercooled tower".(24/8/2000) |
I am too busy in class so haven't time to experiment my supercooled tower.I have two thermometers to use it in my project already.I think you want to know about it.It is my new concept to solve the problem that will
limit when I supercool it.If you have tried supercooled slot interface before you will know that use two tecs is better than one although two tecs may not cooled down much more than one when it is in idle time.I think
the different is < 5 c but when in load the temperature different is much more.So I think about which method to solve this problem in socket type interface.I have quciky tested it already and found that.
It help to cool down not much around 5 c but tolerate load well.I have to prove it before announce my concept.
Here's my article.(17/8/2000) |
I just finished my overclocking experience with pentiunIII500e at 995 MHz now.You can look here
I am back now.Last week I could overclock PentiumIII700@1120 MHz but I didn't satisfied because I knew it might do better.I have one of the best overclocking mainboard,yes it is Epox bx7+.
I put pentiumIII in it and use some trick.Now I can overclock it to 1152 MHz already with cpumark99 almost 100 scores.
My secret project.(8/8/2000) |
I got AMD hottest platform for a few days and spent time working with it.I see at overclockers.com that no one report subfreezing duron.I will subfreezing it.
Now I can running duron with cpu burn(can you remember it?)at 8 c and I hope to subfreezing it soon.
PentiumIII over 1.1 GHz.(5/8/2000) |
After burning pentiumIII700@1099 all night with supercooler,I past the 1.1 GHz point already.Now I am at 1122 MHz with l2 full speed on-die.I aim to 1150 MHz for the next point.To pass that step
may need more cold and more voltage.Some screenshot below.
The third Gigaherzt club.(4/8/2000) |
I just pick up one pentiumIII 700e.I hurry to put it with my supercooler an get 1050 MHz promptly.Now I am in the process of burning.I think 1100 MHz is easy to do because I
am running with the same system that can do 199 MHz FSB with pentiumIII 500e.No other compound that can cause limited except its' core.With prime 95 at 1050 MHz,I also run it at around- 40 c all time.
So I hope to get close to 1.2 GHz.That is my dream.I will finished the article within tomorrow.See you next day with next step.
Screenshot disclosure(1/8/2000) |
The article will be posted soon.I post the screenshot for you below.The number in MBM4.18 may not clear but it shows -40 c in prime95.
I change my cooling to improve the cooling system.Last few days I told that I can run prime 95 with my pentiumIII500e@995 MHz at -27 c.Today I can run prime 95 at -37 c and I can prove that the asus hardware chip can
read minimum to only -45 c.I am writing the article 500e@995 now,please revisit here and see the results soon.
One or two peltiers.(26/6/2000) |
One or two peltiers ,which is better .If there is no load and you run the system by water cooled mean.The results may be little.
But in the real life with mark loading,Two is better ,dual peltiers can manage it.I tested my cooler by shutting one peltier and saw what 's happen.
The temp drop from -46 c to -37 c ,that was not much but in loading program,the system locked up suddenly that mean one peltier isn't enough.
So if you want to get maximum speed,you should get slot one interface and slotket converter.I think Asus is the best.
Here's come the article.(24/6/2000) |
Sorry for the delay.My atricle is here. At 1156 MHz,it isn't stable enough.This might be the maximum speed that I can do.
Now I am looking for new project.Do you think which one should be between "Duron or Thunderbird"?
Further more speed.(15/6/2000) |
I can put a little step to 1156 MHz. already.As I told you about voltage setting that cann't be more than 2.1 volts,today I have the answer for it.
At 2.2 volts the core produce much heat as I saw the the temp drop from -45 c to around -20 c when I lowered the FSB to 125 MHz.At 2.2 volts it is not stable enough with locked up but when I changed the voltage to
2.05 volts it rock solid.At 1156 MHz,it produce heat ~70 watts that too high for small heatsink to manage it.I wait for the maximum speed I can do so the article will be posted on this sunday.
After revision cooling system,I can get lower temperature as -46 c that is 15 c lower than before.I spent all night with running prime 95 at 1020 MHz.At extreme freezing,I am at 1148 MHz now!!.That pass through my expect 50MHz.
Below ar some screenshots.
Slotket Killer.(10/6/2000) |
I am busy so no update news were posted for many days and the important was that Asus slotket killed my CeleronII!.The slotket broke the pin that was so terrible.
So you should beware about it.Now I got another OEM celeronII,the core is week 16 that is better than my retail one.It can do above 1 GHz at only 1.85 volts.
I revised my cooling system to prepare to reach 1.1 GHz from it.First I changed my cold plate from aluminum to copper and change all power supplies to new one to get maximun efficiency from it.
The new power supplies can supply current at 10-12 amp at max 15 volts.So I can get maximum efficiency from it.
I also changed my sloket too.At 1 GHz it used 1.85 volts and only room temperture water.The diode temp was around 5 c.I also put small heatsink to the ossilating clock chip too.With my top of the line setting I think 1.1 GHz is not difficult to reach.
Another celeryII.(3/6/2000) |
I got another celeryII566 retail version.The one I got was not the good chip because it couldn't do 850 MHz stable with retail heatsink.So I changed to my super cooler and could passed 1 GHz. from it at 2.05 volts, not bad.
I found that cpuburn program is the best cpu burning program as I compared it with seti@home. It loaded cpu more than 10 c compare with seti@home.I am in the way of collect picture of my setup and try to do maximum speed as quickly as I can
so the article will be posted
New power supply.(21/5/2000) |
I got new power supply and can lower the temperature down to -34 c with an average -30 c, 4 degree less than the old one(that mean around -50 c in asus mobo).CeleornII still don't boot at 2.2 volts due to incompatibility between hardware.
So I need to go to the old trick.Yes,taping the pin to increase voltage to 2.2 volts.I don't test how work is it yet but I think it should work as I have done with pentiumIII450@702 MHz.
Closely 1.1 GHz(19/5/2000) |
I am closing to my aim at 1.1 GHz already.Today I can run my chip at 1088 MHz@2.05 volts.The average tempertature is -26 c.Now I notice imcompatible between abit and asus slotket in high voltage setting.
Whether I set the voltage more than 2.05 volts,it have no effect as seen in MBM.If I can slove this problem the 1.1 GHz is not difficults to reach.
After I tried to increase voltage to 2.1 and to 2.2.It don't help to increase more speed.I though that cache might be problem but disable cache didn't helped.
So it may be temperature that is not cold enough.I decreased voltage to 1.95 volts and increase FSB to 125 MHz.The results is better I can run at 1064 MHz.and the mean temperature is
-28 c.I have some benchmark too but will not show it today.
Further stepping(16/5/2000) |
I pushed my CeleryII further to 1057 MHz already after changing to duo tecs water cooler with the average temperature around -25 c.At 1057 MHz,I set it at
2.05 volts.Yesterday I told you about my water reservoir.The minimum temperature I can get from phase change base system is -10 F!!.Need time to burn in effect and see the next step.
Ready for further speed !!(15/5/2000) |
I got outdoor-indoor thermometer from radioshack.That is my luck because findind it here is too difficult.Someone had asked me about the water cooler temperature in my super cooling reservior but I can't told him the
exact temperature.Now I take the pictures for you.It showed 7.5 F or around -14 c.That isn't the minnimum,the lowest temperature is -0.4 F or -18 c now and it will freezer with time.
Now I would like to tell you that I can solve the voltage problem already.It is Abit faulse that have boot problem.I am ready for further speed now.The problem is
FREE time to work.Some pictures for you.
Two water blocks(12/5/2000) |
Yesterday I told you the results of using small water block but after intensive usage the temperature was increased comparing with dual peltier that can
recieved more load.I still cann't solve the voltage problem.I will try to flash bios the new one.
Some strange occured,I can't increase voltage to 2.2 volts on Abit BF6.Although I adjust voltage on both Asus and Iwill slotket.
First I though of the chip can't be done at 2.2 volts but it wasn't true because I can put it at 2.2 volts with Asus mobo.Have you any idea?
Now I change the water cooler to the small one that I showed you before in the pictures below.I used only one 90 watts tec.The result is slighly
better than the large one with two 72 watts tecs.Seem 1043 MHz is the maximum that I can do at 2.0 volts.Further can be done but need to increase voltage.
So I need to solve this problem.
I reinstalled celeryII in Asus p3c2000.No problem if your chip can run at 100 MHz FSB.Asus hardware monitor record temperature lower than Winbond chip
such as I told you yesterday.I can get -45 c from internal temperature diode with Asus Mobo but only -25 c from Abit.
What is the correct? I don't know but I can only get 987 MHz from asus mobo that is less overclockable for celeryII than abit bf6 or be6-2.
Some screenshots(7/5/2000) |
Today I seperate both tecs to 1:1 tecs and PS 300 watts to give it maximum current.I can pass 1042 MHz.@2.0 volts.This chip is not good one but
freezing can push it to maximum level.Below are some shot.
Today after multiple installed super cooler for CeleronII.After a quick test,I can run it at 1.1 GHz@2.0 volts but not stable enough,may need to burn in
a few days.The temperature is around -18c to -20c,that higher than the old one becuase their were variations in hardware monitor chip in Asus and Winbond that
caused different to more than 10 c.!!.I will take time to burn it and find the highest speed.
Here's come CeleryII.(6/5/2000) |
I got CeleryII 566 MHz already.After installed in Abit BF6,I can set it to 850 MHz and to 900 MHz with heatsink-fan with the
temperature around 40 c.I burned it with prime 95 for 2 days and spend time to set up my eleventh water cooler.
It is too huge when compared with the old ones.With 5 sided-holes and full lenghth slot one make this propable to install two 72 watts peltiers.
Now I am in the last procees to insulate the whole package with my "Wrap Technich".Hope to get More than 1 GHz. from this set up.Please follow my page tomorrow.
Cann't wait my celeryII(28/4/2000) |
I will get celeryII in a few days.It's on shippping now.I prepare the system for it already that composed of Abit BF6.Yes,I got one
after searched around and found that new bios got rid its' instability so I decided to get it.After testing it
,it rocked solid no signs of mobo instability.I could ran it at 160 MHz FSB.With SoftmenuIII and 1 MHz stepping so I hope to
get maximum spped from celeryII.
Waiting for CeleryII(24/4/2000) |
I ordered celeryII 566 MHz from Azzo alredy and hope to get it within this weekend.
While waiting for it,I prepare the cooling for it.I use the old water block for 500e that will install in Iwill slotket and I will make another one water block
that will big enough for two peltiers and will put in Asus slotket.Below are pictures of my cooler but I shut down the refrigulator base water reservior for about one day and a half,with one 72
watts peltier.I put the cool plate down in the plate fill with water.These pictures are half an hour later.
Asustek slotket(23/4/2000) |
I got Asustek slotket yesterday.Quickly tested it,I found that it is as good as Iwill soltket but what is the better?
The better is its' screw hole that make installing cooler is easier but the hitting point is I can use 2 peltiers instead of
only one in Iwill slotket and I hope to get the temperature down to -40c to -50c instead -38 in Iwill slotket but don't hope to get more
speed that is the mobo false.
here's come Athlon articles(18/4/2000) |
Here's come my articles about Athlon500@954 MHz.After this project,I still have many projects to do.First waiting for celeronII 566 MHz,second,about my 500e that can't find board that stable enough at more than 160 MHz FSB.I am surely that my
chip can break though 900 MHz.Third I plan to build rear phase change system like Kyotech or Asetek too although it may not keep my chip down more than my supercooler but it's fun to take a test.
About WaterWetter(2/4/2000) |
After seeking around to find Waterwetter ,finally I found it at modified car shop.When you add antifreez to the water ,the mix fluid can get down to subzero celcius in liquid state.
But the conductivity of water is mark dropping.As it shown in Redline website that claim to be improved the conductivity of water,so I want to use it too.As I use antifreez the water in super cooler rising about 10-15 c compare when using
water alone.I don't like this. The best way is to add Waterwetter if it 's good as its'claimed.All are need to be tested.
After having all hard weeks.I have no time to test the system.The super cooler finished already.
For the next two months I shall have much time to work with it and will find out whether that can I break a gigaherzt from Athlon
500 MHz.As it get cold,it seem hard to work with athlon becuase difficulty in booting the system up.I will solve the problem in a few days.
Then I will descript all the pictures.Sorry for delay.
Got pass 950 MHz!(11/3/2000) |
Finally I broke the aiming 950 MHz point.Now I can overclock Athlon 500 MHz to 954 MHz with l2 on!.The system is very fast with no super cooler
involvement.The set up composed of voltage at 2.05 volts and l2 was setted to 1/3 and only water cooler is used.
Below are the sandra benchmark.
One more stepping.(7/3/2000) |
I overclock Athlon 500 MHz to 927 MHz.already with water only.I don't use peltiers setup and no super cooler.If you want to see
my overclock results,please wait because I amn't finish the lab yet but I will try to post it this weekend.
Passing 900 MHz level.(2/3/2000) |
I must solder the resistance again because cache is the problem when get starting.You cann't change cache speed
before window start by using Hoda program.So I must use the old style by changing resistance.That is not the problem
for me.BY changing cache speed to 1/3,I can boot with 9 multipier and bus 101 MHz is fine.I can run it to 927 Mhz too
but cache speed is problem so I hope when phase change come and I can cool the whole pcb down.I may reach the 950 MHz.level!
Changing platform.(29/02/2000) |
The rear phase change system is not finish yet.So I change the platform to overclocked Athlon 500 MHz again but now things are easy
because of golden finger card from k7oc.com that made task easier.With 650 core and 3.3 ns cache I can now overclocking
to 850 MHz with 1/3 l2 cache speed.I also have another 600 core that can do 816 MHz easy with water cooler.Sorry
for delay in the picture of phase change system.
New system with 500E.(15/2/2000) |
As I told you about my news 500E.I have setup with peltiers water cooler with phase change system.
I can overclock it to 810 MHz.at defalse voltage.With super cooler ,the temperature is about -39 c
at idle time and at full load is about -12 c .I think it can do more than 810 MHz. easily but the Asus p3c2000 is the problem(again).
I think that if the mobo can tolerate high bus speed,I can beat 900 MHz easily.I think that you may want to
see how I setup the super cooler and insulate it ,please wait .I will present you the rear system.
Breaking the 700 MHz!!!(2/2/2000) |
Today I can break the 700 MHz for my pentiumIII 450 MHz.How can I do that? I only tape a119,a121 and b119 pin to set the defalse voltage to 2.2 volts.Then I set the voltage up to 2.6 volts.
Now I can put the system up to 702 MHz.fine.But at 2.6 volts the chip is very hot and decrease the temperature to -23 c.Below are the screen shot of MBM4.13
Here's come the article.(29/1/2000) |
I just finished the pentiumIII450@698 MHz. article.Please look HERE
Break the point!.(28/1/2000) |
Now I am on the way in testing phase change water coolerII with compressor rating 1200 BTU. My system is working at 698 MHz. with the internal temperature diode
at -39c !!.Runing seti@home fine all night.I am changing the mobo to Asus p3c2000 now and start burning it to break the maximum record at overclockers.com.
I have another pentium 500e too and runing fine at 810 MHz. with HSF but just a trying.That is my next project.I will post the article tomorrow about my pentiumIII450@698 MHz. tomorrow.
below are some screen shot.

I am waiting for this time to prove that my thinking about failure in overclocked PentiumIII450 MHz.is true.Because I am thinking
the cause of this failure is motherboard.That's true!.With Abit BE6-II I never reached 140 FSB with enough stability.
I changed my mobo to MSI 6163 pro that prove my hypothesis.Now I am running pentiumIII450@675 MHz,rock a solid.Yes,at 150 MHz FSB. The maximum of this board is 155 MHz.and I plan to get it soon.At 675 MHz with peltier water-cooled ,the temperature is -1 to-2 c with only room temperature
the weather is hot here.I hardly wait for my compressor that will low the temperature down.
I didn't posted anything for the long time.But I am in my project that is buliding a phase-change system to cool down my water.
I have tested the system using compressor rating 300 BTU.in the weekend and found that it could keep the water peltiers system down to
-15 c with no load.When in load with pentiumIII 450 MHz at 600 MHz.it increase the temperature up to -5 to 5.That is not satisfly.
Now I am buliding the new system one rating 1200 BTU.That can keep the water temperature down to -20 to -30 c and then combine with 2 peltiers rating 72 watts.
it will be more cool.
And I have tested pentiumIII 450 MHz with 2 peltiers water cooling with phase-change system(300 BTU) and found that no matter the cooling I got.It never gone further.
I think it must be mobo that caused my failure.I will try in the new mobo one soon.
I want you to know that if you use Abit BE6-2 or BF6.You can use SoftFSB to adjust FSB on the fly by select the target clock generature to Reaktek RTM520-39D.I tested it already it worked!!
Merry X'Mas and A Happy New Year(24/12/1999) |
Thank you for your visition to my homepage.Tonight is a christmas day.I hope that you will have a happy time for this special day.Today I spent time to looking for the possibility of phase-change system.
I shall have one to test in the new year day.Hope this millinium year my overclocking project will interested you more and more.Happy X'Mas day ,man.
Problems about abit be6II.(18/12/1999) |
I have problems with abit as I have seen when overclocked celeron366 a few months ago.That was when I changed FSB from soft menu at higher bus speed.
It entered back up registry all time so I used SoftFSB to adjust it and have no problem.
But for Abit be6II ,no update program for it yet.I try water peltier cooling today but still get same results.
Back to intel chip again.(11/12/1999) |
Back again to intel chip.I have tried overclocked pentiumIII 450@648 MHz in Aopen ax63pro.In Abit bx6-2 ,it could do only 620 MHz.As you known Abit have stability problem when using FSB over 133 MHz.
I think that my chip can do better than this.So I brough Abit BE6II,which was siad that its' stability have sloved. With Alpha p3125 ,I can clock it to 645 MHz but more than this seem VGA card has problem.
I saw that some one can do it to 700 MHz.So I tried to set it to 158 MHz ,yes at 711 MHz ,it post to window splash screen with only HSF .All I have to do is to find a VGA card that can run at high speed and put a super cooling to pass though 700 MHz.Hoping my ram is good enough too.
I will post my technic in soldering Athlon soon.Please wait for it.
SoftFSB v1.7 for Asus K7M.(6/12/1999) |
I have downloaded SoftFSB v1.7 and installed it.It work good for Asus K7M but don't expect to get much more speed from this software.It is due to AMD chipset that can't support any
bus speed more than 110 MHz.In high multiplier,the FSB may work only 106 MHz in maximum.I have tried to change multiple to 3.75 but can't boot although I kept the temp so low,may be due to insufficiency voltages.
|f you plan to solder Athlon. I will post my experience in soldering soon.
Tripple peltiers water cooling for Athlon.(29/11/1999) |
Today I have some free time to try peltiers with Athlon.I use one 90 watt and two 36 watts peltiers with water block.That is too cool.You can see how it cool in the pictures below.No further solder yet.
Ahtlon alive.(25/11/1999) |
Nowaday you might heard that some guys overclocked athlon 500@800 MHz.I think some of these were true and some were not. Why I say like this?
Because of many Athlon 500 are 600 or 650 MHz that were downclocked.So if you see someone say that his Athlon 500 can be done at 750 MHz or 800 MHz at only 1.7 volts.I think it may be Athlon 600 or 650 to 800 MHz.You can proof it by
looking at the inner core id that printed "k7550...." that mean you have Athlon 550 MHz although they printed in the outer case as Athlon 500 MHz and sold as 500 MHz price,meaning you are lucky one.If you don't believe me,you can look at the Techzone
in his article "how to ripped of Athlon".He said that few of his friends have Athlon 650 MHz sold as 500 ones.
My Athlon is at 750 MHz now with water cooler no peltiers and try to burn in for many days.800 MHz is the next step to go.I changed the counter to the new one because the counter from LE fast droped my count three times and losted about 9000 counting.
Have you ever solder Athlon before? I done 3 of them and find that Athlon itseft can down your multiply 1 step automaticly when your system can't boot after
soldering.First I wondered about this and think it was my false in soldering so I try to find out and found that you should find out what is the reason of it.You can increase voltage or change to
effective HSF.If you solve these problems already,try reinsert your Athlon to socket A and it will change to your aimimg multiply automaticly.
Secret Athlon codes.(18/11/1999) |
The Overclcokers.co.uk disclose that AMD downclocked their Athlon 600 MHz to 500 MHz.The codes are from week 39-68000 to 40-49000 which can overclock to 700 easily.
I believe it is true because I saw from massage board that some guys said about that and some can do 700 MHz at 1.7 volts with only hsf.
My chip is week 33 so it is not overclockable as those ones.I am too busy from my new job but I will try to post my detail in overclock Athlon soon.
Painful soldering.(16/11/1999) |
I loss one Athlon due to electrical shortage from solder gun to Athlon PCB.It is a painful experience because I think my solder skill is good enough but bad solder gun damaged my chip.
First one can't go further than 736 MHz.Now I am trying the third one and hope it will go further.Becareful If you want to solder it.
Experience in overclock 3 Athlons.(13/11/1999) |
I have tried 3 Athlons 500 MHz.I found that most of them can overclock well.They can do 700 MHz easily. But they are too hot and required 1.8-1.9 volts. to reach 700 MHz stable.
I don't push further step yet.But it will be posted soon.
No update for a long time.(11/11/1999) |
Sorry for no update for a week.I just came back from holliday at national park and had a great time there.When I came back and started solder Athlon and found that at 3.75 multiplier it was not work.
I think may be I burned the resistances so I changed all of them to the new ones.Now it is at 736 MHz. ,not increase yet.I wait for new water cooler that I make for it design to match 8 holes in it's PCB and can
put 3 pelteirs in the water block, before start solder again.It's lenght is 13.5 cm.Here is the picture but not finish yet.
Get closure my dream.(4/11/1999) |
After resolder 8 resistances.I change multiply to 3.5 and set FSB to 104 MHz.Now I am at 727 MHz. with my Althlon.I can past test like 3Dmark99Max too,with water cooler no peltier yet.
I think this chip can do more than 750 MHz. with Asus K7M.I will burn in effect at this level for a few days and then start solder again!
Athlon with water cooler.(3/11/1999) |
Now | install water cooler to Athlon already but no peltier yet.By using water block for pentiumIII,it can use exchangeable.To put it in Asus is difficult due to small room in the
rear of slot A,I need to adapt it.It is the same speed as 683 MHz.Athlon is too hot so Water cooler is the choice to run it more.I will solder it again tomorrow and see how far can it go.Below are the pictures.
Review Asus K7M.(1/11/1999) |
Today I solder the resistances and change multiply to 3.25 and set FSB to 105.Now my system is at 680 MHz.At this level I plan to burn in it again
before using super cooler to get more speed.I didn't wrote article for a week now review Asus K7M is now online.
Nuding sexy Athlon.(30/10/1999) |
Today I open the PCB case already.It 's difficult than open the pentiumIII very much.With solder SMD resistance now I change multiple to 6 and change FSB to 105 MHz.Now I am running Athlon 500@630MHz,not too much but
I plan to burn in several days and then resolder again with water cooler that will get more speed.
Here's come Athlon and Asus K7M.(28/10/99) |
Sorry for nothing update many days.I just finished my duty .Today I have an Athlon 500 MHz. and Asus K7M !!! on hand and I will test it tonight.First glance I don't like this mobo
because I can't install large heatsink such as Alpha p125 because it's limitation due to power supply plug.But who care if we use water cooler insteed!.
Temperature monitoring probe and internal diode temperature.(24/10/1999) |
I wonder that how much differnce between probe monitor and internal diode temp.Overclokers like us want to know the exactly core temperature.
Many boards have probe monitoring and few have internal diode temp.If we don't have internal diode and use probe monitoring ,how accuracy of this monitoring?I plan to test it.
Coating the circuit.(22/10/1999) |
I think that to prevent condensation I should build a closed system and make sure that the circuit doesn't short by coating the circuit.I use polyurethane to coat it and found that it is good.I test it with my
old vga first and now I am running the system with flooding vga.And there is a good new that I can reverse the effect by using only nail polish remover.If you don't like to use it.
Here is the clear acrylic lacquer conformal coating.It use to protect circuit board from water.It's price is $ 10.Thanks J.Davis for sending me the information.
Results of overclock celeron300a@580 MHz.(20/10/1999) |
I finish the article celeron300a@580 MHz.already.Now I spend my time to build a closed system to prevent condensation.It will take time. :)-
Celeron 300a @580 Mhz.(18/10/1999) |
Yesterday I tried to o/c celeron 300a by using one 94 watts peltier and water cooler and overclocked it to 600 MHz. with l2 off but the system was not stable.
At 580 MHz, it was stable at -8 celcius.The article will be posted soon.
Pictures of two aluminum water cooler.(16/10/1999) |
I did another aluminum water cooler for pentiumIII already and will install in bx6-2 mobo to see how it work.Make it one is easier than install it to pentiumIII.I only spent 2 hours to
finish the block but more than two hours to find way to install it without any stress on PCB.Below are the pictures of water block for celeron slot1 and pentiumIII SECC 2 .
An amazing day.(14/10/1999) |
Today is an amazing one.I enjoy changing my cooling between celeron 300a and 366.Although I can't put the celeron366 to 735 MHz. but celeron 300a is funny.
I get this to 600 MHz. but it's not stable.At 580 MHz it rock a solid with aluminum water block.You can read my result of overclocking celeron366@708 MHz.HERE
My new copper water jacket with celeron366@708 MHz.(13/10/1999) |
I am free now and enjoy testing new water jacket.I build it by hybride type no sandwich yet.The result is impressive.Now I can run celeron366@708 MHz. and it pass the test too.So I will post
the result tomorrow.
Another new aluminum water block (12/10/1999) |
I am still far away from my system due to my duty but I constructed another one aluminum water block already .It look more professional than the old.I will test the two new
cooling sytems in a few day.I really can't wait to that time!
Some pictures of water jacket and another big heatsink.(10/10/99) |
Here is the pentiumIII heatsink.It's very big with 80 mm. fan attachment.It's cost about $ 10.That is cheaper than
Alpha p3125 $ 45.I tested it with pentiumIII 450 MHz. that can not boot more than 600 MHz.With this heatsink,it can boot
at 608 MHz fine.So I will compare it with Alpha p3125 soon .
Here is the picture of copper water jacket that I just finished it.
I plan to test it with my pentiumIII450 and celeron 366 and I will post the results soon.
New water Jacket(8/10/1999) |
Today I finish my new water jacket already.To improve it's performance I change the metal to copper.I didn't take a photography yet but it looked like the old design one with stainless steel.
I hardly wait to test it with my pentiumIII 450 and celeron 366 because I am on duty now.
Results of adding hot plate to conventional heatsink (6/10/1999) |
I had finished testing the results of combination copper plate with heatsink.They worked great.It worth to add copper plate to
your heatsink.Let's find the result here
Preliminary report about hot plate(5/10/1999) |
I am on the way to construct my sandwich water cooler II by changing some components.At the same time,I work on the project about
hot plate.Do you know about hot plate? If you has read the article about peltier with heat sink before,you would seen it.It usually made of copper and inserted between
the hot side of peltier and the heat sink.I am testing the results of using copper plate with heat sink compare when using heat sink alone My test isn't finished yet.But while testing with my celery 300a@504 MHz by heat sink and copper
plate compare when without it.The results made me impressive.In idle time the differential between this is so little but when aggressive cpu load,the copper plate heat sink done it's job well under prime 95 but failed when
using heat sink alone within minute.The results is preliminary report and not finish yet.I will try with different heat sink to conclude the results in a few day.
Here's come double water system(3/10/1999) |
I had finished some tested in my sandwich water cooler system.here is the results.
Where to get a water jacket?(1/10/1999) |
I think that many of you want to try water cooler system.I ever though too.I made several water cooling system.The problem that seem to
be in your mind is how can I made water jacket one.I saw that sysop sell water jacket but the price is too high.Scot W mack at OverclockersHideout
sold water jacket at a reasonable price both build with aluminum and copper for pentium II,III and slot 1 celeron and all the need tools to make a super cooling one.Don't hesitate to surf his page.
Alpha p3125 review(30/9/1999) |
Today I tested Alpha p3125.It worked great and build in good quality.you can read here.Today
I finished solder my water jacket already but didn't tested it yet.
First sight at Alpha p3 (28/9/1999) |
Today I had recieved Alpha p3 from3dfxcool.Alpha is still be Alpha.Their product is good quality.
It's look like Alpha p125 too much except two pionts as it has copper in the contact surface with cpu core and the another one is
It's shortening lower pin about one and a half centimeter.It can lower chip's temperature than my large heatsink about 1-2 celcius.
I wonder that it has cost benefit from 55 $.Today I spent about 2-3 hours for solder my water jacket but didn't finished yet.
Why do I use sandwich water cooler?(26/9/1999) |
You may think that Why do I use sandwich water cooler?Since I had played with celeron 300a.I had over clocked it to 558 MHz with sandwich peltiers heatsink.I had noticed that after I
add another peltier to the rear site.The internal temperature diod was decrease about 10-15 c compare when without it.I want to try
over clocked my celeron366 to more than 682 Mhz .There aren't many methods to get it.Today I had tried them outside to comfirm that there are
any leakage but I noticed a few points of leakage so I changed it to another one but still leakage.All I need to do now is
to solder it.Sorry for delay ,I shall solder it and will post the results soon.
My picture of sandwich water cooler(24/9/1999) |
I had constructed my sandwich water cooler already but I am so busy about my another new copper water jacket .I will installed
and test how far they can go soon.here are the images.

My new project with celeron366(23/9/1999) |
About one month ago that I didn't played with my celeron366.It's time now.I had recieved two 90 watts peltiers already.My next project
with my celery is to change my hybridge cooler to sandwich water cooler system.But I need a second water pump to work with it.Please wait and see how it look
like.I will post the picture soon.
Result of o/c pentiumIII 450@648(16/9/1999) |
I had got one pentiumIII450 Mhz.As wellknown that this is a
great overclockable one.Many can did it at 600 Mhz. with defalse voltage.I had ran
this at 648Mhz,2.2 volts by using a large heatsink only.You can look here
Celeron 366@683 Mhz by double peltiers water cooler(17/8/1999) |
Celery 366 is overclockable one like the old 300a.By using a large heatsink
for socket 370,It could ran only 577@2.0 volts.Heat was the problem.I had got rid heat
by water cooling method.Let's see how it worked,here