Welcome to Stony's Old Web Page ! There is nothing really available here exept for El Ninito Web Page (my chiuaua) wich is finaly taking form !?!
Bienvenu a la page web de Stony, Il n'y as pas vraiement rien de disponible sauf la page web de El Ninito mon Chiuaua !?!

I am currently working on www.sansillusion.com wich is my french web site

I have made a little page about my internship at the YMCA/YWCA
It will contain some pictures of those I met there
I have worked on a web site for chauffage climatisation Lalonde

This site "geocities.com/olmstead31" is no longer maintained so many of the pages will never be finished

Even if on the page im saying to check later for updates chances are I will never
have enought time to finish them ! since Sansillusion is pretty much taking all my time !

I also build custom superbright LED (Light Emmiting Diodes) modz.
I custumize cars, computer cases, I also do signs and other little lighted gagets.
for any questions you may have, contact me at olmstead31@yahoo.com for information !

And here is the temperature of Ottawa